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Create a clear vision of your shared future together

Marriage Tips


Create a clear vision of your shared future together

Sit down, listen to each other and write out how you want your future as a couple to look. Its much easier to create your best relationship together if both peoples needs are voiced, heard and supported by their partner.


Communication and time together are the keys to strengthening your marriage
In order to strengthen your marriage
For men its important to understand that women want to be listened to
If your goal is to have a satisfying marriage with longevity
Are you creating more pleasurable interactions in your marriage or are you making it painful or unpleasant for your spouse
Never talk negatively about him
Recognize that your husband or wife is mirroring back to you who you are
Schedule a regular date night
Sometimes its not about the amount of money you spend on a gift
You need to date your mate
Next time you argue with your partner
Learn how to agree to disagree
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