jumping jacks

Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks See more about workouts, exercise ideas for when I don't want to leave the house.
51. Jump It Up a Notch
For a greater challenge and quicker benefits, increase resistance by adding ankle or wrist weights to your jumping jack routine. Adopt a pyramid style execution, a method Julia Valentour, ACE Fitness program coordinator, uses to add variety and intensity to her own cardio routine. To do this, increase the number of jumping jacks with each set in your routine, resting in between. For example, perform as many jumping jacks as possible in 15 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds, then do as many jumping jacks as possible in 30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds, then do as many jumping jacks as possible for 60 seconds. Work your way back down the pyramid to complete.
52. Check for Space
Before you get started, you need to be sure that you have enough space to actually do the jumping jacks. Stand with your arms and legs spread out wide to see if you will strike walls, doors, or pieces of furniture.
53. Wear Running Shoes
You probably want to wear running shoes when you do this since you will be pushing off with the sides of your feet and you need to have traction. This can also help to soften the blow each time that you land.
54. Breathe Quickly
Do not try to take long, deep breaths. This will only throw off the rhythm that you need. Instead, take short little breaths as you bring your arms upward. These will give you enough oxygen to keep your body from getting tired, but they will not break your stride.
55. Plant Your Feet
It is important that you choose a spot to plant your feet when you come down from each jump. Aim for this place every time. This will make it so that you are not jumping too high or too low. It will also keep you from overextending your reach, something that could lead to knee or ankle injuries.
56. Watch for Movement
Many people accidently move when they are doing jumping jacks because it is hard to jump up and down in a perfectly straight fashion. You need to keep your eyes on your surroundings so that you do not slowly move into something. If you run into a table or a chair, you could be hurt.
57. Aerobic Benefits
Jumping jacks are primarily an aerobic workout that helps to tone the cardiovascular system and promote stronger heart health. One minute of jumping jacks elevates your heart rate and forces you to breathe deeper, which delivers a heaping helping of oxygen to the bloodstream and muscles. This oxygen influx triggers the body to burn more calories and fat.
58. Full Body Function
Rather than isolated machine workouts that target specific muscles, jumping jacks are an all over, full body workout that promotes functional movements to keep you strong, healthy, and able bodied throughout your entire life. All of your muscle groups are engaged at once?even your abdominal muscles get a workout.
59. Flexibility and Tone
While jumping jacks may not result in body builder legs, they do enhance both flexibility and tone. Jumping jacks work the calves, glutes, deltoids, lats, and gracilis muscles. Muscle fibers are strengthened and fat deposits decreased for more visibly toned muscles.
60. Hormone Helper
Our genes crave brief, high intensity, full body movements like jumping jacks. Jumping jacks release feel good endorphins and cortisol into the bloodstream. A single jumping jack session could just have you jumping for joy.