jumping jacks

Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks See more about workouts, exercise ideas for when I don't want to leave the house.
31. Step 3
Measure the length of the rope. A good rule of thumb is for a jump rope to be twice as long as the distance from your feet to your armpits. Stand on the center of the rope with both feet and pull each side up to your armpits. Cut the rope on each side.
32. Step 4
String the beads on the rope, if you decided to use them.
33. Step 5
Add a plastic handle to each end of the jump rope. You can buy handles at craft stores, or you can cut a 4 to 5 inch piece of 1/2 inch PVC pipe. You can also buy weighted handles from a sporting goods store, which will make turning the rope feel heavier, so you get a more challenging workout for your upper body. Secure each end with a strong knot.
34. Step 6
Test the jump rope. It should feel comfortable and easy to move. If you keep tripping over it, it may be too long. You can easily adjust the length by untying the knot and shortening the rope.
35. Adjust a Jump Rope
Jumping rope develops coordination, agility and, when done properly, can provide an intense cardiovascular workout. According to the Harvard Heart Letter, jumping rope can burn 300 to 444 calories every half hour, depending on your body weight. Proper jump rope technique depends on having a rope of the appropriate length; if the rope is too short, youll have a difficult time clearing it safely, and if its too long you wont be able to get up to speed. Both instances also set you up for shoulder, wrist and arm problems, as they force you to alter your jump rope technique to accommodate the incorrect rope length.
36. Jumping Jacks and Calories
From afar, jumping jacks look easy; but once youre in the fray, performing them, you realize how they might help you lose fat overall. The simple movement of jumping your feet apart and clapping your hands overhead and then jumping your feet back and lowering your arms can burn about 585 calories an hour for a 160 pound person, reports Health Status. If you weigh 200 pounds, calorie burning increases to 732 calories an hour. A person who weighs 240 pounds burns about 878 calories an hour with jumping jacks. This means as you lose weight, youll need to work harder to burn calories.
37. Circuit Training
Increase calorie burning even further with a circuit training approach. Circuit training burns about 30 percent more calories, reports Fitness magazine. Start out with a tummy toning exercise, like abdominal crunches. After completing this exercise, alternate to jumping jacks for a few minutes. Rotate between a new core toning exercise and jumping jacks for at least 30 minutes.
38. Toning Exercises
Tone your lower abdominal muscles with the abdominal hold. Start out sitting on the edge of a firm chair. Slowly lift your feet about 2 to 4 inches off the floor and hold for a few seconds. Release and continue to repeat this exercise for a minute.Another exercise to alternate with jumping jacks is the squat with twist. This will tone the sides of your abdominal muscles. Start in a standing position, feet about shoulder width apart. Lower into a squat position with both arms extended to shoulder height. At the bottom of the squat, rotate the upper body to the right. Return to standing. Repeat the exercise eight to 12 times on each side of your body.
39. Back to Basics
Dont overlook the benefits of a basic pushup. Pushups tone the triceps, shoulders and biceps while building core strength. Kneel on all fours, aligning your hips with your knees and your shoulders with your wrists. Widen your hands 2 inches, extend your legs behind you and lift onto your toes. Tighten your stomach muscles and lift your hips into alignment with your shoulders, back and knees. Dont let your hips drop during the exercise. Lower your body toward the floor, bending and flaring your elbows as you go down. Stop before your chest contacts the floor, push your arms to straight and lift your body to the start position. Do pushups on your knees if this is too hard. Complete 12 to 15 repetitions, stopping when your muscles fatigue.
40. Lift Em Up
Bicep curls tone and develop muscle on the front of the arms. To do standard curls, hold a dumbbell in each hand and rest your arms by your sides. Turn your palms forward and tighten your stomach muscles. Press your upper arms against your sides, then lift the weights slowly toward your shoulders. Stop before your hands touch your shoulders, then lower the weights. Complete 12 to 15 reps, stopping when your biceps fatigue. To do hammer curls, turn your palms inward instead of forward.