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Mocha Chip Ice Cream

Ice Cream


Mocha Chip Ice Cream

In a medium bowl, use a Cuisinart Hand Mixer or a whisk to combine the milk, granulated sugar, espresso powder, and cocoa until dissolved, about 1 - 2 minutes on low speed. Stir in the heavy cream and vanilla.Assemble the Cuisinart ICE-20 Frozen Yogurt-Ice Cream & Sorbet Maker. Turn the machine ON; pour mixture into freezer bowl, and let mix until thickened, about 25 - 30 minutes. Add the mini chocolate morsels during the last 5 minutes of mixing. The ice cream will have a soft creamy texture. If desired, transfer the ice cream to an airtight container and place in freezer until firm, about 2 hours to ripen.


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