
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Uva-ursi, bearberry.
Key Uses:
Origin : Found in Europe, the US, Mexico, and northern Asia.
Background : Bears like to eat the fruits of this plant, hence the name uva-ursi, which is derived from the Latin for “bear’s grape.”
Preparation : The fresh leaves and young shoots are chopped and steeped in alcohol.
Remedy Profile : Uva ursi is generally used for inflammation and stones in the kidneys. There may be chronic bladder irritation with blood in the urine, or pain with straining to pass urine, possibly accompanied by a weak, irregular pulse, breathlessness, vomiting, nausea, and cyanosis (bluish mucous membranes and skin caused by too much deoxygenated hemoglobin in the blood). Sharp pains may pass from hip to hip. In men, the prostate gland may become enlarged. Further symptoms that may accompany urinary conditions include flushing of the face, catarrh, a tight sensation in the chest, slight dizziness, and a headache. Uva ursi may also be given for certain digestive, respiratory, or childbirth symptoms, but the primary focus of the remedy is on urinary problems.
Symptoms Better : After urination; for lying back.
Symptoms Worse : During urination; in the evening.

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