
Key Uses:
Origin : Distilled from beechwood tar.
Background : Creosote has long been used as a wood preservative, and its name derives from the Greek kreas, or “flesh,” and soter, or “preserver.” A Moravian chemist, Reichenbach, introduced it to medicine in the 19th century, but it fell out of favor with all except homeopaths.
Preparation : Creosote is dissolved in alcohol, diluted, and succussed.
Remedy Profile : A temperamental state is typical of people who respond best to Kreosotum. They may also be forgetful, peevish, sensitive to music, and restless at night. A tendency to dwell on the past is characteristic, as are dreams of sexual intercourse and a fear of being raped.
The classic symptom picture associated with Kreosotum is of mucous membranes that become inflamed, suppurate, and then break down and bleed, particularly in the vagina, the cervix, and the uterus. The remedy is given for offensive-smelling discharges from the mucous membranes that burn the skin and cause itching and swelling, and it may help when urine burns the skin on contact. It may be prescribed for particular problems before and after menstruation, such as bleeding between cycles and heavy, offensive-smelling menstrual flow that burns the skin on contact. Candidiasis may also respond to the remedy, as may enuresis (bed-wetting).
Symptoms Better : For warmth; after sleep; for movement; for pressure on the affected area; for hot foods.
Symptoms Worse : For cold; for bathing in cold water; for rest; during pregnancy.

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