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Nanak the Herdboy

Guru Nanak Dev


Nanak the Herdboy

When Nanak became old enough, his father gave him the job of watching cattle. Nanak would slip into deep meditative trances while the cattle grazed. He got into a lot of trouble couple of times when the cattle wandered into the neighbors fields and ate up their crops. Nanaks father often became very upset with him, and scolded him severely for his laziness. Some villagers noticed very unusual things happening when Nanak meditated. They became convinced that Nanak must be a mystic or saint.


Nanak the Enlightened One
Guru Nanak Jayanti
Early life
Nanak the Reformer
Guru Nanak the Traveler
Ceremony of sacred thread
Guru Nanak Philosophy
Equality of humans
Truth is high but higher still is truthful living
Nanak the Merchant
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