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Working the Body Exercise outdoors

Forever Young Naturally Exercise


Working the Body Exercise outdoors

It can be joyous to exercise outdoors a boost for spirit as well as body. The feel-good buzz after exercising in nature leaves you feeling exhilarated, yet grounded and calm. Whenever possible, find an excuse to walk a clifftop path, go jogging at dawn, swim in the ocean, or practice yoga in the yard (upwardfacing poses take on another dimension when you stare at the sky). Find a t’ai chi class that practices regularly in a park: gain courage from numbers.


Maintaining Posture Safe lifting
Cooling Down Elongating front and back
Aerobic Workout Challenge yourself
Aerobic Workout Take the talk test
Facial Exercises Blink as you work
Exercising the Brain Try stimulating teas
Aerobic Workout Warming up
Maintaining Posture Try the Alexander
Beating Fatigue Bach Flower Remedies
Active in the Office Wrist recovery
Building Energy Alertness at the wheel
Working the Body Take breaks
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