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Ranunculus Amplexicaulis



Ranunculus Amplexicaulis

The leaves of the Ranunculus amplexicaulis in part surround the stalk at their base, whence its trivial name, in colour they differ from most others of the genus, being of a greyer or more glaucous hue, which peculiarity joined to the delicate whiteness of the flowers, renders this species a very desirable one to add to a collection of hardy, ornamental, herbaceous plants, more especially as it occupies but little space, and has no tendency to injure the growth of others.It is a native of the Apennine and Pyrenean mountains, and flowers in April and May.Clusius is the first author who describes and figures this species. Johnson in his ed. of Gerard copies his figure, and mentions it as being then made a denizen of our gardens.It is readily propagated by parting its roots in Autumn, and provided it has a pure air will succeed in most soils an situations.


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