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Anemone Hortensis



Anemone Hortensis

We are more and more convinced, that in our eagerness, for novelties, we daily lose plants by far more ornamental than the new ones we introduce, the present, a most charming spring plant, with which the Gardens abounded in the time of Parkinson, is now a great rarity, its blossoms, which are uncommonly brilliant, come forth in April, and, like those of many other plants, appear to advantage only when the sun shines.It may be propagated either by seeds, or by parting its roots in Autumn, in the former way we may obtain many beautiful varieties.It prefers a light loamy soil and moderately exposed situation.Roots of a variety of this plant with scarlet double flowers are imported from Holland, under the name, of Anemonoides, and sold at a high price.


Coronilla Glauca Sea green or Day smelling Coronilla
Iris Spuria
Mesembryanthemum Pinnatifidum
Verbascum Myconi
Lavatera Trimestris
Statice Sinuata
Convolvulus Tricolor Small Convolvulus or Bindweed
Fritillaria Imperialis
Cistus Ladaniferus
Ranunculus Amplexicaulis
Scilla Campanulata
Epidendrum Cochleatum
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