A flower known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants.
201. Pelargonium Bicolor
In every numerous tribe of plants, many of the species approach so near to each other, that there is much difficulty in distinguishing them, this objection cannot be urged against the present plant, which obviously differs from all the others of the same genus in the particular shape of its leaves and the colour of its blossoms, the latter are usually of a rich and very dark purple edged with white, from whence we apprehend it takes its name of bicolor, the colours however are scarcely distinct enough to justify such a name.Mr. Aiton informs us in his Hort. Kew. that this very ornamental species was introduced in the year 1778, by John, the late Earl of Bute, but of what country it is a native, does not appear to be ascertained.Our drawing was made from a plant in the collection of Messrs. Grimwood and Co. Kensington, with whom it flowers from June to August.It is not disposed to ripen its seeds, nor is it very readily increased by cuttings.
202. Lupinus Perennis

Every species of Lupine described in the Species Plantarum of Linn?us, and in the Hortus Kewensis of Mr. Aiton, except the one here figured, are annuals, till another perennial one therefore shall be discovered, the term perennis will be strictly applicable to the present plant.Its root is not only of the kind just mentioned, but creeping also, Mr. Miller informs us, that he traced some of them belonging to plants of a year old, to the depth of three feet, they also spread out far and wide, hence the roots even of young plants are with difficulty taken up entire, and as they do not succeed well by transplanting, if the root be cut or broken, our excellent author prefers raising this elegant plant from seed, which, though not very plentifully produced, ripen in July and August, care must be taken to gather them as soon as ripe.It is a native of Virginia, and appears to have been cultivated in the Botanic Garden at Oxford, as long since as 1658.Flowers from May to July.Is a hardy perennial, succeeding best in a dry situation, with a loam moderately stiff.
203. Geranium Angulatum
Having cultivated the Geranium here figured for a series of years, we are perfectly satisfied of its being a species altogether distinct from any of the hardy and more ornamental plants of that genus usually cultivated in our gardens.It is obviously distinguished by two characters, the angular appearance of its stalk (whence our name of angulatum) and its flesh coloured blossoms, marked with veins of a deeper red.In size it stands between pratense and aconitifolium, in its blossoms it has some affinity to striatum and lancastriense, but veins are not so strongly marked as in the former, and it differs from the latter in having an upright stalk.It usually flowers in May, and frequently again in autumn, is a hardy perennial, and easily increased either by seeds or parting its roots.Of what country it is a native, or when it was first introduced, we have yet to learn, we first observed it in a nursery near town, where it is regarded as a very different species.
204. Ranunculus Aconitifolius
This is one of those plants which derives its beauty from the multiplication of its petals, in its single state no one would think it deserving of culture as an ornamental plant when double, few plants come in for a greater share of admiration.It is a native of the Alps of Europe, and flowers in May and June.Was very generally cultivated in our gardens in the times of Gerard and Parkinson.Like most alpine plants, it requires a pure air, and succeeds best in a situation moderately moist and shady, is a hardy perennial, and may be increased by parting its roots in autumn.In all seasons, with us, its foliage, as well as that of most other Crowfoots, is liable to be disfigured, and sometimes nearly destroyed, by a very small maggot which feeds betwixt, the coats of the leaf, and which ultimately produces a small fly, called by us Musca Ranunculi.
205. Antirrhinum Alpinum
Professor Jacquin, in describing the flowers of this plant, calls them elegantissimi, and to one of its varieties Haller applies the epithet pulcherrima such testimonies in its favour will, we presume, be sufficient to recommend it to our readers.It is a native of various mountainous parts of Europe, affecting moist, stony situations, and flowers during most of the summer is a hardy perennial, according to the celebrated author of the Fl. Austriaca, Mr. Aiton, in his Hort. Kew. marks it as a biennial. It is nevertheless apt to be lost, like other small alpine plants, for want of proper treatment and care.Mr. Aiton informs us on the authority of Lobel, that it was cultivated here by Mr. Hugh Morgan, in 1570.May be propagated by cuttings, as well as by seeds, which however are not very plentifully produced with us.Succeeds best when kept in a pot, or on rock work, which it is well suited to decorate.
206. Geranium Anemonefolium
Before the appearance of the Hortus Kewensis, l?vigatum was the term usually applied to this species of Geranium, by Botanists here, and that on account of the smooth and glossy appearance of its leaves, in that work Mr. Aiton adopts the word anemonefolium, by which Mons. L. Heritier had distinguished this species, from an idea that their shape afforded a more expressive character than their smoothness. We regret that the small size of our plate will not admit of our giving representation of those leaves, and of their mode of growth, which so strikingly characterizes the plant and adds so considerably to its beauty.Mr. Aiton informs us that this species is a native of Madeira, from whence it was introduced here by Mr. Francis Masson in 1778.It flowers from May to September, is usually and readily raised from seeds, nor is it so tender as many other green house plants.
207. Dianthus Barbatus

Linn?us, in his Spec. Pl. appears not to have known of what country the Sweet William was a native, and even in the Hortus Kewensis, this circumstance is left undecided, yet Dodon?us, in his Pemptades, mentions its being found wild in Germany, and Prof. Hoffman confirms this in his Germanys Flora.At the time Dodon?us wrote (1552) this plant was cultivated in the Netherlands, from whence it was probably introduced to this country, where it certainly is one of the oldest inhabitants of our gardens.Beautiful as are the numerous varieties of this species of Dianthus, Florists have not deemed it worthy of that peculiar attention which they have bestowed on its more favoured relatives the Pink and Carnation, and hence it probably has not arrived at that degree of improvement of which it is capable, our figure is intended to represent one of the most esteemed of its kind, viz. the Painted Lady variety, which has a deep rich purple eye, surrounded with a pure white, having the edge of the petals slightly indented, but our colours fall far short of the beauties of the original.
Besides single flowers producing an infinite variety of colours, there are several double varieties of the Sweet William, some of which are observed to have more scent than others.To possess these plants in perfection, we must renew them yearly, for though the root be perennial, it is apt to decay, especially if the soil in which it grows be either very moist, or very dry, or if the air be not pure, the single sorts must be raised from seeds, which should be saved from the choicest flowers, the double sorts may be increased by cuttings, pipings, or layers, in the same manner, and at the same time as Pinks and Carnations, the seed should be sown early in April, the seedlings transplanted into a bed in June, taking advantage of a wet day and placed about six inches asunder each way, in September they will be fit to transplant into the flower border, where they will blossom the ensuing summer, during the months of June and July, and ripen their seed in August.
208. Melissa Grandiflora

The Melissa grandiflora, a beautiful and hardy perennial, grows spontaneously on the hilly and mountainous parts of France, Italy, and Germany, Gerard mentions it as found wild in this country, which stands in need of further confirmation, there is little doubt, however, but he had cultivated the plant, as he says, brought into the garden, it prospereth marvellous well and very easily soweth itself.It is the more valuable, as it flowers during most of the summer.There is a variety of it with white, and another with red flowers, both much inferior in size to those of the plant here figured, and therefore not worth cultivating, we have a variety also with variegated leaves which we obtained from seeds.This plant is readily propagated by parting its roots in autumn, and may also be raised from seeds, which are plentifully produced as it rarely exceeds a foot in height, it becomes a suitable plant for the small flower border, or for the decoration of rock work.The leaves when bruised have the smell of garden balm.
209. Hibiscus Trionum

Seeds of the plant here figured are sold in the seed shops under the name of Venice Mallow, a name by which it was known in the time of Gerard and Parkinson Mr. Aiton has changed this for the more scientific one of Bladder Hibiscus. Authors have also distinguished this plant by terms expressive of the short lived expansion of its flowers, which Gerard says open at eight oclock in the morning and close about nine, from whence he observes, that it might with propriety be called Malva horaria Miller lengthens the duration of its blowing to a few hours we have frequently observed its blossoms continue sufficiently open to shew their beauty the greatest part of the day, more especially towards the close of summer.
Few annuals are more admired than this, the inside of the flower is of delicate cream colour, having the centre embellished with a rich purple velvet, on which its golden anther? are proudly conspicuous.It is said to be a native of Italy, a Cape variety, differing in hairiness and a few other particulars is mentioned by Miller, and considered by him as a species.The least possible trouble attends the raising of this beautiful annual, as it readily ripens its seeds, which falling on the ground produce plants in abundance the ensuing spring, to have it flower as long as may be, it will be proper to sow it at two or three different periods.
210. Celsia Linearis

We here present our readers with the figure of a plant newly introduced from France by Mr. Williams, Nurseryman of Paris, collected originally in Peru by Mr. Dombey, whose flowers, if they do not equal those of the Fuchsia already figured in elegance of form and growth, surpass them somewhat in brilliancy of colour, whence it becomes a most desirable plant for the purpose of ornament.Professor Jacquin, who first gave a figure and description of this plant, informs us in his Collectanea, that he received seeds of it from Professor Ortega of Madrid, under the name of Celsia linearis, which name he has adopted, and we, from respect to such authority, have continued, at the same time we must observe, that it ill accords with that genus the blossoms while in bud fold up somewhat in the same manner as those of the Celsia, but on expansion they appear widely different, their shape indeed then becomes truly singular, resembling a half formed imperfect corolla, its filaments are short and want the hairs which in part characterise the Celsia, its seed vessels also are far from being round its anther? are large and close together, somewhat like those of the Solanum, and there is so little of inequality in them, that few students would be induced to refer its flowers to the class Didynamia.
Being a native of a warm climate, it comes to the greatest perfection here when placed in a stove in which the heat is moderate, but it will succeed very well if treated as a tender green house plant it does not appear to be quite so hardy as the Fuchsia, nor to flower like that plant at all seasons, but usually produces its blossoms in the latter summer months, those are succeeded by seed vessels producing perfect seeds, by which, as well as by cuttings, the plant is propagated.
Its leaves, which are not deciduous, are linear, and more or less toothed, growing three together, this character however is somewhat obscured by others growing from their bosoms.
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