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Geranium Angulatum



Geranium Angulatum

Having cultivated the Geranium here figured for a series of years, we are perfectly satisfied of its being a species altogether distinct from any of the hardy and more ornamental plants of that genus usually cultivated in our gardens.It is obviously distinguished by two characters, the angular appearance of its stalk (whence our name of angulatum) and its flesh coloured blossoms, marked with veins of a deeper red.In size it stands between pratense and aconitifolium, in its blossoms it has some affinity to striatum and lancastriense, but veins are not so strongly marked as in the former, and it differs from the latter in having an upright stalk.It usually flowers in May, and frequently again in autumn, is a hardy perennial, and easily increased either by seeds or parting its roots.Of what country it is a native, or when it was first introduced, we have yet to learn, we first observed it in a nursery near town, where it is regarded as a very different species.


Pelargonium Betulinum
Calceolaria Pinnata
Centaurea Glastifolia
Erica herbacea Herbaceous Heath
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Cytisus Laburnum
Primula Villosa Mountain Primula
Syringa Vulgaris
Ranunculus Acris Flore Pleno
Diosma Uniflora
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