A flower known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants.
261. Erodium Incarnatum
In the 80th number of this work we gave a figure of the Pelargonium tricolor, a plant very generally regarded as the most beautiful of the genus, we now present our readers with the representation of an Erodium, which has to boast nearly an equal share of admiration.This species, as we learn from the Hortus Kewensis, is a native of the Cape, and was introduced by Mr. Masson in the year 1787.Its usual time of flowering is July and August, in this point it is inferior to the Pelargonium tricolor, which blossoms through the spring as well as summer months.
It produces seeds but sparingly, cuttings of the plant are struck with less difficulty than those of the Pelargonium above mentioned, the same treatment is applicable to both plants, they must be regarded as green house plants of the more tender kind, which are liable to be destroyed in the winter season by a moist cold atmosphere.
262. Mesembryanthemum Aureum
This Mesembryanthemum is one of the taller and more upright species, as well as the earliest in point of flowering, producing its blossoms from February to May, these are large and of a bright orange hue, the pistilla in the centre are purple, and serve at once to distinguish and embellish them.It was first described in the 10th ed. of Linn. Syst. Nat. and afterwards inserted in the Hort. Kew. of Mr. Aiton, who informs us that it is a native of the Cape, and was cultivated by Mr. Miller, in the year 1750. Prof. Murray omits it in his 12th ed. of the Syst. Vegetab. of Linn?us, as does Prof. Gmelin in the last edition of Linn. Syst. Nat.The facility with which this tribe in general is increased by cuttings is well known, this is raised as readily as the others.
263. Glycine Bimaculata

Of the many plants which within these few years have been raised from Botany Bay seeds, this is one of the first which flowered in this country, and one of the most ornamental, to the greenhouse it is indeed an invaluable acquisition we regret that the size of our paper and the imperfection of the colouring art, will not admit of our giving a representation of it more adequate to its beauty.It rises up with a twining shrubby stalk to the height of six, eight, or more feet, these multiplying greatly by age, become loaded with a profusion of purple flowers, growing in racemi, the richness of which is enlivened by the appearance of two green spots at the base of the vexillum, for the most part the blossoms go off with us without producing any seed vessels, in some instances, however, perfect seeds have been produced, and we have seen a plant in bloom raised from such in the charming retreat of John Ord, Esq. Walham Green.
A great excellence of this plant is the duration of its flowering period, it begins to put forth its blossoms in February, and continues to do so during most of the summer.In the Nurseries about town, it is known by the name of Glycine virens, a name given the plant originally by Dr. Solander, the latter of these terms we have taken the liberty of changing to bimaculata, as being more expressive of an obvious character in the flower we might, perhaps, been justified in altering the genus, as its characters do not appear to be peculiarly expressive of a Glycine, nor indeed of any other genus in this numerous natural order.It is raised readily from seeds.We think it highly probable, that in warm sheltered situations, this climber might grow in the open ground, to such as have it in abundance, we recommend them to make the experiment.
264. Cistus Formosus
Mr. Lee, Nurseryman of Hammersmith, informs me, that in the year 1780, he raised the Cistus here figured from seeds, the produce of Portugal, and as its flowers were uncommonly beautiful, he was induced to name it formosus.It approaches so near to the Cistus halimifolius in point of habit, in the form and colour of its leaves and flowers, that we are inclined rather to regard it as a variety of that plant, than as a distinct species, at the same time it must be allowed to be a very striking variety, the flowers being at least thrice as large as those of the halimifolius usually are, and the whole plant more hairy as an ornamental shrub, it is highly deserving a place in all curious collections.It will grow very well in the open border in warm sheltered situations, it may be kept also in a pot, by which means it may more readily be sheltered during the winter, either in the greenhouse or under a frame.It flowers early in May, and may be increased by cuttings.
265. Ixia Bulbocodium

There are three plants cultivated in the gardens of the curious to which Bulbocodium is applied, either as a generic or a trivial name, viz. Narcissus Bulbocodium, Bulbocodium vernum, already figured, and the present plant the Ixia Bulbocodium and Bulbocodium vernum are given in this work, not so much for their beauty as their rarity, not so much to gratify the eye, as to communicate a knowledge of two plants but little known, and liable to be confounded from a similarity of their names.This is one of the few hardy species of the genus, and grows wild in many parts of Spain and Italy, it is said to have been found in Guernsey it affects hilly and dry situations, will grow readily in almost any soil, especially if fresh, and not infested with vermin it flowers about the middle of April, the blossoms do not expand fully unless exposed to the sun, and are not of long duration authors describe the wild plants as varying greatly in colour, vid. Clus. they are most commonly pale blue.Like the Crocus, it increases readily by offsets.
266. Ranunculus Amplexicaulis
The leaves of the Ranunculus amplexicaulis in part surround the stalk at their base, whence its trivial name, in colour they differ from most others of the genus, being of a greyer or more glaucous hue, which peculiarity joined to the delicate whiteness of the flowers, renders this species a very desirable one to add to a collection of hardy, ornamental, herbaceous plants, more especially as it occupies but little space, and has no tendency to injure the growth of others.It is a native of the Apennine and Pyrenean mountains, and flowers in April and May.Clusius is the first author who describes and figures this species. Johnson in his ed. of Gerard copies his figure, and mentions it as being then made a denizen of our gardens.It is readily propagated by parting its roots in Autumn, and provided it has a pure air will succeed in most soils an situations.
267. Pyrus Spectabilis

The Chinese Apple Tree when it blossoms in perfection, answers truly to the name of spectabilis, a more shewy or ornamental tree can scarcely be introduced to decorate the shrubbery or plantation, its beauty like that of most trees, whose ornament consists chiefly in their blossoms, is however but of short duration, and depends in some degree on the favourableness of the season at the time of their expansion, which usually takes place about the end of April or beginning of May, the flowers are large, of a pale red when open, and semi double, the buds are of a much deeper hue, the fruit is of little account, and but sparingly produced. Trees of this species are to be met with in some gardens of the height of twenty or thirty feet.Dr. Fothergill is regarded as the first who introduced this Chinese native, he cultivated it in the year 1780, such plants of it as were in his collection, passed at his decease into the hands of Messrs. Gordon and Thompson, in whose rich and elegant Nursery, at Mile End, this tree may be seen in great perfection.Though perfectly hardy, as its blossoms are liable to be injured by cutting winds, it will be most proper to plant it in a shelterd situation.It is usually increased by grafting it on the Crab stock.
268. Glycine Rubicunda

The plant here figured, and very generally known to the Nurserymen, in the neighbourhood of London, by the name of Glycine rubicunda, is a native of New South Wales, and was introduced to this country about the same time as the Glycine bimaculata already figured.It is a shrubby, twining plant, running up to the height of five, six, or more feet, producing blossoms abundantly from April to June, which are usually succeeded by seed vessels which ripen their seeds with us.The flowers though large and shewy, have a kind of dingy or lurid appearance, which greatly diminishes their beauty. We have observed the blossoms of some plants more brilliant than those of others, and we think it highly probable, that, at some future period, seminal varieties may be obtained with flowers highly improved in colour.This species is readily raised from seeds, is of quick growth, and may be regarded as one of our more hardy green house plants probably it may succeed in the open air, if planted in a warm situation, and sheltered in inclement seasons.
269. Ornithogalum Nutans

Authors have given to this species of Ornithogalum the name of Neapolitan, following Clusius by whom the plant is figured and described, and who so called it, merely on receiving it from Naples, it may perhaps be doubted whether it be originally a native of Italy. Prof. Jacquin has figured it in his Flora Austriaca, the plant being common about Vienna, in garden walks, under hedges, and in meadows, he does not however, from that circumstance, regard it as an original native there. Casp. Bauhin informs us that Honorius Belli sent it him from Crete under the name of Phalangium, leaving its true habitat to be settled more precisely hereafter, we shall observe, that it is one of those plants which soon accommodate themselves to any country, producing a numerous progeny both from roots and seeds, and by no means nice as to soil or situation, it is not long before it becomes a weed in the garden, from whence it is apt like the Hyacinthus racemosus, already figured, to pass into the field or meadow.Its flowers, which if not beautiful are singular and delicate, make their appearance towards the end of April, they are of no long duration, seldom continuing above a fortnight, and are succeeded by seed vessels which produce abundance of ripe seed, by which, as well as by its bulbs, the plant may be increased.In the Hortus Kewensis it is set down as a Greenhouse plant, one of the rare errors which occur in that most useful work.
270. Glycine Coccinea

We here present our readers with another Glycine, very lately raised by several persons in the neighbourhood of London from Botany Bay seeds, and which we have called coccinea from the colour of its blossoms.It is a shrubby, climbing plant, which, if supported, will grow to the height of many feet, producing a great number of flowers on its pendant branches, the leaves, which grow three together, are nearly round, and, in the older ones especially, are crimped or curled at the edges, the flowers grow for the most part in pairs, are of a glowing scarlet colour, at the base of the carina somewhat inclined to purple, the bottom of the vexillum is decorated with a large yellow spot, verging to green, which adds much to the beauty of the flower.It blossoms from April to June, and appears to be fully as much disposed to produce seed vessels, and perfect seeds, as the rubicunda, and by which alone it has hitherto been propagated.We must rank it among the more tender green house plants.
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