A flower known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants.
121. Narcissus Incomparabilis
This species of Narcissus, though well described and figured by the old Botanists, especially Parkinson, has been overlooked by Linnaeus.It is undoubtedly the incomparable Daffodil of Parkinson, figured in his Garden of Pleasant Flowers, and the incomparabilis of Millers Dict. ed. 6. 4to. the latter informs us, that he received roots of it from Spain and Portugal, which fixes its place of growth.
It is a very hardy bulbous plant, and flowers in April, in its single state it is very ornamental, the petals are usually pale yellow, and the nectary inclined to orange, which towards the brim is more brilliant in some than in others, in its double state, it is well known to Gardeners, by the name of Butter and Egg Narcissus, and of this there are two varieties, both of which produce large shewy flowers, the one with colours similar to what we have above described, which is the most common, the other with petals of a pale sulphur colour, almost white, and the nectary bright orange, this, which is one of the most ornamental of the whole tribe, is named in the Dutch catalogues, the Orange Ph
122. Hyacinthus Racemosus
The Hyacinthus racemosus and botryoides are both cultivated in gardens, but the former here figured is by far the most common, racemosus and botryoides, though different words, are expressive of the same meaning, the former being derived from the Latin term racemus, the latter from the Greek one ??????, both of which signify a bunch of grapes, the form of which the inflorescence of these plants somewhat resembles, and hence they have both been called Grape Hyacinths, but as confusion thereby arises, we have thought it better to call this species the Starch Hyacinth, the smell of the flower in the general opinion resembling that substance, and leave the name of Grape Hyacinth for the botryoides.The Hyacinthus racemosus grows wild in the corn fields of Germany, in which it increases so fast by offsets from the root as to prove a very troublesome weed, and on this account it must be cautiously introduced into gardens.It flowers in April and May.We have found the Nurserymen very apt to mistake it for the botryoides, a figure of which it is our intention to give in some future number.
123. Anemone Hortensis
We are more and more convinced, that in our eagerness, for novelties, we daily lose plants by far more ornamental than the new ones we introduce, the present, a most charming spring plant, with which the Gardens abounded in the time of Parkinson, is now a great rarity, its blossoms, which are uncommonly brilliant, come forth in April, and, like those of many other plants, appear to advantage only when the sun shines.It may be propagated either by seeds, or by parting its roots in Autumn, in the former way we may obtain many beautiful varieties.It prefers a light loamy soil and moderately exposed situation.Roots of a variety of this plant with scarlet double flowers are imported from Holland, under the name, of Anemonoides, and sold at a high price.
124. Iberis Gibraltarica
The flowers of this plant, a native of Gibraltar, bear some resemblance to those of the Common Candy Tuft, but when they blow in perfection, they are usually twice as large, hence they are highly ornamental in the green house, which early in the Spring, the time of their coming forth, stands in need of some such shewy flowers.This plant is easily raised from cuttings, and easily preserved, it may be kept through the Winter in a common hot bed frame, and in mild Winters will stand abroad, especially if sheltered amongst rock work, its greatest enemy is moisture in the Winter season, this often proves fatal to it, as indeed a long continued damp atmosphere does to many others, the Nurserymen about London complain of losing more plants the last mild Winter, from this cause, than they generally do from severe frosts. In a little green house which I had in my late garden, Lambeth Marsh, most of the plants became absolutely mouldy, in such seasons then, though in point of cold the plants may not require it, we must dissipate the superfluous moisture by a gentle heat.
125. Alstr
This plant receives its generic name from Claudius Alstr
126. Alyssum Deltoideum
Plants which flower early, and continue a long while in bloom, are deservedly preferred, more especially by those who content themselves with a partial collection, of that number is the present species of Alyssum, which begins to flower in March, and continues to blossom through April, May, and June, and, if favourably situated, during most of the summer.It is properly a rock plant, being hardy, forming with very little care a neat tuft of flowers, and not apt to encroach on its neighbours.May be propagated by parting its roots in Autumn, or by cuttings.Is a native of the Levant, according to Mr. Aiton, and cultivated by Mr. Miller, in 1739, but omitted in the 6th 4to. edition of his Dictionary has usually been considered by the Nurserymen about London as the hyperboreum.
127. Ixia Flexuosa
The Ixias are a numerous tribe, chiefly natives of the Cape, and in general remarkable either for their delicacy, or brilliant colours.The one here figured appears to be a variety of the flexuosa with a purple eye, its blossoms are fragrant, and come forth in April or May.All the sorts multiply very fast by offsets, so that when once obtained, there will be no occasion to raise them from seeds for the roots put out offsets in great plenty, most of which will flower the following season, whereas those from seeds are three or four years before they flower. These plants will not thrive through the winter in the full ground in England, so must be planted in pots, and placed under a frame in winter, where they may be protected from frost, but in mild weather should enjoy the free air, but they must be guarded from mice, who are very fond of these roots, and if not prevented will devour them. Millers Gard. Dict.
128. Scilla Campanulata
There are few old gardens which do not abound with this plant, it bears great affinity to our Hare bell, with which it appears to have been confounded by most Botanists. Parkinson thus discriminates it This Spanish bell flowred Jacinth is very like the former English or Spanish Jacinth, but greater in all parts, as well of leaves as flowers, many growing together at the toppe of the stalke, with many short greene leaves among them, hanging doune their heads with larger, greater, and wider open mouths, like unto bels of a darke blew colour, and no good sent. Park. Parad.Though not remarkable for the fineness of its colours, or pleasing from its fragrance, it contributes with other bulbous plants to decorate the flower border or plantation in the spring, when flowers are most wanted.It is very hardy, and increases abundantly by offsets, its seeds also ripen well.
129. Amaryllis Vittata
Linnaeus, the Son, took much pains in new modelling the generic and specific characters of this genus, as may be seen in the Hort. Kew Mons. LHeritier, when in England a few years since, saw this species, described and named it Vittata.Of what country it is a native is not known with certainty, most probably of the Cape, was first introduced into England by Mr. Malcolm.Our figure was drawn from a fine specimen which flowered this spring with Messrs. Grimwood and Co. Kensington.It usually flowers in April or May, but may be forwarded by artificial heat.It rarely puts forth offsets from the root, but readily produces seeds, by which it is propagated without difficulty.When it blossoms in perfection it truly deserves the name of superb, which Mr. Aiton has given it, the stem rising to the height of three feet or more, and producing from two to five flowers.
130. Alyssum Utriculatum
A native of the Levant, and cultivated by Mr. Miller in the year 1739.
Is a hardy and beautiful perennial, flowering from April to June, at which time it begins to form its curiously inflated pods.
Like the Alyssum deltoideum, it is well adapted to the decorating of walls, or rock work, and is readily propagated either by seeds or slips.
Is a hardy and beautiful perennial, flowering from April to June, at which time it begins to form its curiously inflated pods.
Like the Alyssum deltoideum, it is well adapted to the decorating of walls, or rock work, and is readily propagated either by seeds or slips.
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