

A flower known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants.
141. Heliotropium Peruvianum
This plant recommends itself by its fragrance rather than its beauty, so delicious indeed is the odour it diffuses, that it is considered as essential to every green house and stove.It grows naturally in Peru, from whence the seeds were sent by the younger Jussieu to the royal garden at Paris, where the plants produced flowers and seeds, and from the curious garden of the Duke dAyen, at St. Germains, I was supplied with some of the seeds, which have succeeded, in the Chelsea garden, where the plants have flowered and perfected their seeds for some years. Millers Gard. Dict.You may consider it either as a stove or a green house plant, the former is more congenial to it in the winter season.A pure atmosphere is essential to its existence, as I experienced at Lambeth Marsh, where I in vain endeavoured to cultivate it.It is propagated by cuttings as easily as any Geranium, and requires a similar treatment, in hot weather it must be well supplied with water, and in winter carefully guarded against frost, so fatal to most of the natives of Peru.
142. Scorzonera Tingitana
I am indebted for seeds of this plant to my very worthy and liberal friend Nich. Gwyn, M. D. of Ipswich, to whose penetrating genius, and learned researches, Botany owes much.As its name implies, it is a native of the province of Tangier, on the Barbary coast, appears to have been cultivated here, according to the Hort. Kew. in 1713, but is not mentioned in the 6th 4to. edit. of Millers Dictionary.It may be considered as forming a valuable addition to our stock of annuals, being a beautiful plant, and easily cultivated it thrives best on a moderately dry soil, warmly situated should be sown in the spring with other annuals.I have observed, that in the middle of summer, a hot unclouded sun, which is favourable to the expansion of most of the flowers of this class, is too powerful for those of the present plant, which then appear to the greatest advantage in warm hazy weather.
143. Pelargonium Glutinosum
The leaves of this species exhibit, on being touched, a manifest viscidity, or clamminess, which, independent of their shape, serves to characterize the species, the middle of the leaf is also in general stained with purple, which adds considerably to its beauty, but this must be regarded rather as the mark of a variety, than of the species.With most of its congeners, it is a native of the Cape, and of modern date in this country, being introduced to the royal garden at Kew, by Messrs. Kennedy and Lee, in the year 1777.It flowers from May to September, is readily propagated by cuttings, and sometimes raised from seeds, from whence several varieties have been produced.
144. Ferraria Undulata
The old Botanists appear to have been wonderfully at a loss to what family they should refer this very singular plant, as will appear on consulting the synonyms, Burman at length made a distinct genus of it, naming it Ferraria in honour of Joh. Baptista Ferrarius, by whom it was described, and very well figured, in his Flora feu de Florum Cultura, published at Amsterdam, in 1646.Mr. Miller informs us, that he received roots of this plant from Dr. Job Baster, F. R. S. of Zirkzee, who obtained it from the Cape, of which it is a native.In the vegetable line, it is certainly one of the most singular and beautiful of natures productions, much it is to be regretted that its flowers are of very short duration, opening in the morning and finally closing in the afternoon of the same day, a strong plant will, however, throw out many blossoms in succession.In its structure and
145. Monarda Fistulosa
The Monarda fistulosa, a hardy herbaceous plant, growing spontaneously in Canada, and other parts of North America, has long been cultivated in the English gardens, to which it recommends itself as much by the fragrance of its foliage, as the beauty of its flowers, of this species the plant here figured is an uncommonly beautiful variety, its blossoms far surpassing those of the original in size, as well as brilliancy of colour, the floral leaves also are highly coloured, we have represented a single blossom of the common Monarda fistulosa, that the difference of the two may be rendered obvious.This variety has been very lately introduced from Holland, by Messrs. Grimwood and Co. Kensington, it flowers from June to September, and is propagated by parting its roots in spring or autumn.
146. Hypericum Calycinum
This species of St. Johns Wort, particularly distinguished by the largeness of its flowers, has very generally been considered as the Ascyron of Linn?us, owing to his giving to that plant the synonyms which properly belong to the present one in his Mantissa, this species is called calycinum, which name is adopted in the 14th edition of the Systema Vegetabilium, and also in the Hortus Kewensis, where the proper synonyms are applied to it, and from which we learn, that it is a native of the country near Constantinople, and was introduced into this country by Sir George Wheler, Bart. in 1676.It is a hardy perennial, increasing much by its roots, which are of the creeping kind, and by parting of which in the autumn it is most readily propagated, like the periwinkle, it is a plant well adapted to cover a bank, or bare, spots under trees, where other plants will not thrive.It flowers from July to September.
147. Dais Cotinifolia
The Dais cotinifolia is an ornamental Green house Shrub, of the deciduous kind, and though it appears from the Hortus Kewensis to have been introduced by Mr. James Gordon, of Mile End, in 1776, is yet a great rarity with us, and only to be found in some of the first collections.Its scarcity, and consequent very high price, is attributed to the Nursery mens not having yet discovered the means of propagating it freely.Messrs. Grimwood and Co. of Kensington, have some very fine plants of it, which flower every year in the months of June and July, but as yet have produced no perfect seeds, which they may be expected to do when grown older, such having been known to ripen them in Holland.It is a native of the Cape, and appears to have been long possessed by the Dutch, as its Generic Character taken from D. V. Royen, is printed in the Genera Plantarum of Linn?us in 1764.There are only two known species, and they vary in the number of their Stamina, and divisions of the Corolla.
148. Pelargonium Betulinum
Though long since described, we have been in possession of this species of Cranes Bill but a few years, it is one of the many new ones introduced by Mr. Masson from the Cape, and at the same time one of the most desirable, as its blossoms which are ornamental, are freely produced during most of the summer, and the plant itself is readily propagated by cuttings.The flowers vary considerably, both in size, and colour, its foliage is different from that of most others, and, as its name imports, like that of the Birch Tree.It requires the same treatment as most other Green House Plants.
149. Zinnia Multiflora
The Zinnia, multiflora, a native of Louisania, is a plant of more modern introduction, but requires the same treatment, and flowers at the same time, as the Tagetes patula, with which, though far inferior in brilliancy of colour, it contributes to decorate the borders of the flower garden from June to September.There is a variety of it with yellow flowers, nearly as common in our gardens as the present plant.Linn?us gave to this genus the name of Zinnia, in honour of Joh. Gottfr. Zinn, the pupil of Haller, and his successor at the University of Gottingen.The plant we have figured, answers to the name and to the specific description of Linn?uss multiflora, having never seen his pauciflora, we cannot say whether there be any just cause for suspecting them to be varieties of each other.
150. Tagetes Patula
For richness and variety of tints few flowers can vie with this species of Tagetes, which forms one of the chief ornaments of our gardens at the close of summer.Some authors make it a native of Africa, others of America.Two principal varieties are usually kept in the gardens, the common small sort with a strong disagreeable smell, and a larger one here figured, usually called sweet scented, the former is of more humble growth, its branches more spreading, its blossoms smaller than those of the latter, the flowers of which have usually a greater portion of the yellow tint, and the smell of the other so modified as to be far less disagreeable, sweet scented we fear it can scarcely be called from the seed of both sorts some flowers will be produced extremely double, and others single.Miller recommends the seed to be frequently changed, to prevent them from degenerating.It is one of our tender annuals which require to be raised on a gentle hot bed, if we are desirous of having them early, if that be not an object, they may be sown under a common hand glass on a warm border the beginning of May, and, when large enough, planted out in the flower beds, where they are to remain.Dodon?us observes, that the leaves, if held up to the light, appear as if perforated, and he adduces some instances, which prove the plant to be of a poisonous nature.