

A flower known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants.
181. Colutea Frutescens
Of the several species of Colutea cultivated in our garden the one here figured, is distinguished by the brilliancy of its flowers, the largeness of its pods, and the downy appearance of the under side of its leaves.It appears from the Hortus Kewensis to have been cultivated by Mr. James Sutherland as long since as the year 1683 it was not however generally introduced to our gardens till the time of Miller, who figured it in his Icones, it was then understood to be an
182. Salvia Aurea
Such as are delighted with the singular rather than the beautiful appearances of plants, cannot fail of ranking the present species of sage among their favourites.It been called aurea, from the colour of its flowers, ferruginea would perhaps have been more expressive of them, when they first open indeed they are of a yellow colour, but they quickly and constantly become of the colour of rusty iron.The leaves are nearly round, and have a pleasing silvery hue a few of them only, and those chiefly at the extremities of the young shoots, are of the form described by Linn?us in his specific character of the plant, and hence Commelins description (vid. Syn.) is to be preferred, as leading us with more certainty to a knowledge of the plant, the colour of the leaves, the colour and unusual magnitude of the blossoms, are indisputably the most striking features of the species, and therefore to be resorted to for my own part, as a friend to the advancement of the science, rather than as the follower of that great man, I see no good reason why colour should not in many instances, especially where expressive characters are wanting, form a part of the specific character in plants, as well as in animals we are told indeed of its inconstancy. I would ask
183. Syringa Vulgaris
Few shrubs are better known in this country than the Lilac few more universally cultivated, there is scarcely a cottage it does not enliven, or a shrubbery it does not beautify.It has long had a place in our gardens, both Gerard and Parkinson describe two sorts, the blue and the white, to these another sort is added by more modern writers, superior in beauty to the original, as producing larger bunches of flowers, of a brighter hue, having more of the purple tint and hence called by some the purple Lilac, Miller considers the three as different species.The flowers of the Lilac possess a considerable degree of fragrance, but not of the most agreeable kind, our readers perhaps, will not be displeased to hear the opinion of old Gerard on this point, delivered in his own wordsThey have a pleasant sweete smell, but in my judgement they are too sweete, troubling and molesting the head in very strange manner I once gathered the flowers, and laid them in my chamber window, which smelled more strongly after they had lien together a few howers, with such a ponticke and unacquainted savor, that they awaked me from sleepe, so that I could not take any rest until I had cast them out of my chamber.Though a native of Persia, it bears our severest winters without injury, has a pleasing appearance when in bud, flowers in May, and is readily propagated by suckers, but finer plants, in the opinion of Miller, are raised from seeds.It will grow in almost any soil or situation, even in London, but, to flower well, it must have a pure air.
184. Ixia Crocata
To the Cape of Good Hope, that never failing source of rare and beautiful plants, we are indebted for most of our Ixias, and among others for the present species, which though not of that value, nor possessing the delicacy or fragrance of the blossoms of some others, is a very desirable plant, not only as an object of curiosity, from the transparency of the base of the corolla, but as it adds much to the brilliancy of a collection, is easily obtained, and as easily propagated.It flowers in May and June, but its flowering may be prolonged by putting its bulbs into pots at different periods, or accelerated by artificial heat.It produces offsets more plentifully than many of the genus.Mr. Aiton informs us that it was cultivated by Mr. Miller in 1758, who figures it in his Icones.
185. Coronilla Valentina
The Coronilla valentina comes very near to the glauca already figured in this work, but may be distinguished by a little attention, the valentina has smaller leaves, which are more numerous, and more truly glaucous, the stipul?, which in the glauca are small, narrow, and pointed, in the valentina are large, and almost round, and in the young plant are strikingly conspicuous, as the plant comes into flower, they drop off, the valentina is not so much disposed to flower the year through as the glauca, but produces its blossoms chiefly in May, June, and July, the flowers of the glauca are observed to smell more strongly in the day time, those of the valentina at all times diffuse a very powerful odour, so as even to scent a small greenhouse, we have often been amused with hearing the different opinions entertained of this smell, some speaking of it in terms of rapture, others ready to faint when they approach it the flowers of the valentina are more disposed to produce seed vessels than those of the glauca, the seeds of which usually ripen well, and afford the means of increasing the plant most readily. To have a succession of small handsome bushy plants for the greenhouse, the old ones must either be frequently cut down, or young ones raised from seed, or cuttings, the stems as they grow up becoming naked at bottom.It is a hardy greenhouse plant, and may be kept well enough through the winter in a common hot bed frame, or planted against a south wall, and matted as myrtles usually are in such situations, we have known the glauca, treated in prove a charming ornament.It is a native of Spain, growing, as Clusius informs us, by road sides, in sandy places, and on the declivities of hills.Cultivated here in 1656, by J. Tradescant, jun. H. K.
186. Selago Ovata
Linn?us in his Mantissa has somewhat largely described this plant under the name of Lippia ovata, evidently from a dried specimen, which may account for the flowers being described of a dark violet colour, he recommends it to such as might have an opportunity of seeing the living plant, to observe if it was not referable to some other genus, accordingly Mons. LHeritier, who, when lately in England, saw it in the royal garden at Kew, joined it to the genus Selago, retaining the trivial name of ovata, bract?ata would perhaps have been a better name, for though its ovate inflorescence may be peculiar to the species, its bracte? or floral leaves are so very singular that they constitute the most prominent feature of the plant.Mr. Aiton informs us, that it was introduced to the royal garden at Kew, from the Cape, by Mr. Masson, in 1774.

It recommends itself not so much on account of its beauty, curious structure of its flowering spikes, and the fragrance of its blossoms.It is a greenhouse plant, and flowers during most of the summer, its blossoms are white with a yellow spot on the two uppermost, and sometimes on all the segments of the corolla, and an orange spot at the mouth of the tube.Is propagated by cuttings.

187. Iris Sambucina
This species of Iris, said to be a native of the South of Europe, derives its name from the smell of its flowers, which very much resembles that of elder in bloom.It is one of the tallest and handsomest of the genus, in a rich moist soil acquiring the height of three feet or more, it is therefore more proper for the shrubbery than the flower garden.It flowers about the latter end of May, and is readily increased by parting its roots in autumn.The Iris of Parkinson, referred to in the synonyms, accords so exactly with our plant, in every circumstance but smell, which is not mentioned, that we have no doubt but it was cultivated in our gardens in his time.
188. Convolvulus Nil
All our writers on exotic botany treat of this plant, Gerard, one of the first, gives us the following account This beautiful Bindweed, which we call Convolvulus C?ruleus, is called of the Arabians Nil of Serapio, Hab al nil, about Alepo and Tripolis in Syria, the inhabitants call it Hasmisen, the Italians Campana azurea, of the beautifull azured flowers and also Fior de notte, bicause his beautie appeereth most in the night he informs us, that it grew in his garden, but perished before it ripened its seeds. Parkinson says, it thrives remarkably well in our country, if the year be any thing kindly Miller informs us, that it is a native of Africa and America, extols it as one of the most beautiful of the genus, observes, that it is a very distinct species from the purpurea, of which it has been considered by some as a variety, that it will grow to the height of eight or ten feet, that in favourable seasons the seeds will ripen in the open air, and that it requires the same treatment as other annuals usually raised on a hot bed. Mr. Aiton considers it as a stove plant, as indeed most of our tender annuals properly are.It flowers from July to September.Though apparently common in our gardens formerly, it is now very rarely met with.
189. Erica Grandiflora
The Erica here figured, is one of the many new and beautiful species, which within these few years have been sent from the Cape by Mr. Masson, and which have contributed so greatly to enrich the royal garden at Kew.The description given of the grandiflora in the Suppl. Plant. accords so ill with our plant, that we should be led to consider it as another species, did not the respectable authority of the Hortus Kewensis silence all doubts on that head.The blossoms of this species, whether we regard their magnitude, their colour, their smooth and glossy surface, or the regular position of the filaments, projecting beyond the corolla, and closing together by the anther?, excite our notice, and claim our admiration.Like every other heath, the hardy ones excepted, it is a greenhouse plant, and flowers from May to July.Our drawing was made from a plant finely blown, in the collection of James Vere, Esq. Kensington Gore.
190. Ornithogalum Aureum
We have bestowed on this plant the name of aureum, from the colour of its blossoms, which are usually of a bright orange or gold colour, in some specimens we have observed them of a paler hue, and consequently less beautiful.This highly ornamental species is of modern introduction, having been received by Mess. Lee and Kennedy, a few years since from the Cape, of which it is a native.The root is a whitish bulb, resembling in size and shape that of the Lachenalia tricolor, figured on plate 82 of this work, from whence spring three or four smooth, somewhat fleshy, upright, dark green leaves, about half an inch wide, and three or four inches long, edged with white, and, if magnified, appearing fringed with very fine hairs or villi, the stalk is naked, from eight to twelve inches high, supporting many flowers, which spring from the al? of large, hollow, pointed bracte?, and which opening one after another, keep the plant a considerable time in flower, according to Linn?uss generic character, every other filament should be dilated at the base, in the present species each filament is so, or rather sits as it were on a white glandular nectary, emarginated on the inside, and highly deserving of notice.In the greenhouse, where this plant has hitherto been kept, its blossoms come forth as early as January and February, and continue for several months, they will long display their beauty, if the stem be cut off and put in a phial of water.It is propagated by offsets from its bulbs, and has the appearance of being a plant of kindly growth and easy management.