A flower known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants.
131. Catesbaea Spinosa
Of this genus there is only one species described by authors, and which Linnaeus has named in honour of our countryman Mark Catesby, Author of the Natural History of Carolina.This shrub was discovered by Mr. Catesby, near Nassau town, in the Island of Providence, where he saw two of them growing, which were all he ever saw, from these he gathered the seeds and brought them to England.It is propagated by seeds, which must be procured from the country where it naturally grows. If the entire fruit are brought over in sand, the seeds will be better preserved, the seeds must be sown in small pots filled with light sandy earth, and plunged into a moderate hot bed of Tanners bark. If the seeds are good, the plants will appear in about six weeks, these plants make little progress for four or five years. If the nights should prove cold the glasses must be covered with mats every evening. As these plants grow slowly, so they will not require to be removed out of the seed pots the first year, but in the Autumn the pots should be removed into the stove, and plunged into the tan bed, in spring the plants should be carefully taken up, and each planted in a separate small pot, filled with light sandy earth, and plunged into a fresh hot bed of Tanners bark. In Summer when the weather is warm, they should have a good share of air admitted to them, but in Autumn must be removed into the stove, where they should constantly remain, and must be treated afterwards in the same manner as other tender exotic plants. Millers Dict.It is more usual with Nurserymen to increase this plant by cuttings.Our drawing was made from a plant which flowered this Spring, with Mr. Colvill, Nurseryman, Kings Road, Chelsea.It flowers most part of the Summer, but not so freely as many other stove plants.
132. Rubus Arcticus
The Rubus arcticus grows wild in the northern parts of Europe and America, in moist, sandy, and gravelly places. Linnaeus has figured and minutely described it in his Flora Lapponica, out of gratitude, as he expresses himself, for the benefits reaped from it in his Lapland journey, by the nectareous wine of whose berries he was so often recruited when sinking with hunger and fatigue, he observes that the principal people in the north of Sweden make a syrup, a jelly, and a wine, from the berries, which they partly consume themselves, and partly transmit to Stockholm, as a dainty of the most delicious kind, and truly he adds, of all the wild Swedish berries this holds the first place.Our figure does not correspond altogether with Linnaeuss description, but it is drawn as the plant grew, culture doubtless made it produce more than its usual number of flowering stems and petals.It grows readily and increases rapidly in bog earth, on a north border, and flowers in May and June, but very rarely ripens its fruit in Gardens.
133. Hyacinthus Comosus
Most of the old Botanists arranged this plant, the racemosus, and others having almost globular flowers with the Hyacinths. Tournefort, struck with the difference of their appearance, made a distinct genus of them under the name of Muscari, in which he is followed by Miller, and should have been by Linnaeus, for they differ so much that no student would consider the present plant as belonging to the same genus with the Hare bell.This species grows wild in the corn fields of Spain, Portugal, and some parts of Germany, and flowers in May and June.It is distinguished more by its singularity than beauty, the flowers on the summit of the stalk differing widely in colour from the others, and being mostly barren Parkinson says, the whole stalke with the flowers upon it, doth somewhat resemble a long Purse tassell, and thereupon divers Gentlewomen have so named it.It is a hardy bulbous plant, growing readily in most soils and situations, and usually propagated by offsets.
134. Adonis Vernalis
Of this plant Linnaeus makes two species, viz. the vernalis and appennina, differing in their specific character merely in the number of their petals, which are found to vary from situation and culture, as the first name taken from its time of flowering is the most expressive, we have followed Mr. Miller and Mr. Aiton in adopting it.It is an old inhabitant of the English gardens, and a most desirable one, as it flowers in the spring, produces fine shewy blossoms, which expand wide when exposed to the sun, is hardy and readily cultivated.Grows wild on the mountainous pastures of some parts of Germany.It may be increased by parting its roots in Autumn or Spring, or by seed. Miller recommends the latter mode.
135. Gladiolus Cardinalis
This new species of Gladiolus, of whose magnificence our figure can exhibit but an imperfect idea, was introduced into this country from Holland, a few years since, by Mr. Graffer, at present Gardener to the King of Naples, and first flowered with Messrs. Lewis and Mackie, Nurserymen, at Kingsland, a very strong plant of it flowered also this summer at Messrs. Grimwoods and Co. which divided at top into three branches, from one of which our figure was drawn.It obviously differs from the other more tender plants of this genus, in the colour of its flowers, which are of a fine scarlet, with large white somewhat rhomboidal spots, on several of the lowermost divisions of the Corolla, strong plants will throw up a stem three or four feet high.It is most probably a native of the Cape, flowers with us in July and August, and is increased by offsets from the bulbs, must be treated like the Ixias and other similar Cape plants.
136. Pelargonium Tetragonum
A vein of singularity runs through the whole of this plant, its stalks are unequally and obtusely quadrangular, sometimes more evidently triangular, its leaves few, and remarkably small, its flowers, on the contrary, are uncommonly large, and what is more extraordinary have only four petals, previous to their expansion they exhibit also an appearance somewhat outr
137. Hypericum Balearicum
Is according to Linnaeus a native of Majorca, Miller says that it grows naturally in the Island of Minorca, from whence the seeds were sent to England by Mr. Salvador, an Apothecary at Barcelona, in the year 1718.The stalks of this species are usually of a bright red colour, and covered with little warts, the leaves are small with many depressions on their upper sides like scars, the flowers are not always solitary, but frequently form a kind of Corymbus.It is a hardy green house plant, and readily propagated by cuttings.It flowers during most of the Summer.Clusius informs us in his Hist. pl. rar. p. 68. that he received from Thomas Penny, a Physician of London, in the year 1580, a figure of this elegant plant, and who the next year shewed a dried specimen of the same in London, which had been gathered in the Island of Majorca, and named by him ????? ?????, or Myrtle Cistus[2] it appears therefore that this plant has long been known, if not cultivated in this country.We may remark that Clusiuss figure of this plant is not equally expressive with many of his others.
138. Kalmia Hirsuta
This new species of Kalmia which we have called hirsuta, the stalk, leaves, and calyx, being covered with strong hairs, was imported from Carolina in the Spring of 1790, by Mr. Watson, Nurseryman at Islington, with whom several plants of it flowered this present Autumn, about the middle of September, from one of which our drawing was made.
The plants were brought over with their roots enclosed in balls of the earth in which they naturally grew, which on being examined appeared of a blackish colour, and full of glittering particles of sand, similar indeed to the bog earth which we find on our moors and heaths, there is therefore little doubt (for no account accompanied the plants) but this Kalmia grows on moorish heaths, or in swamps.
In its general appearance it bears some resemblance to the Andromeda Dab
139. Alstrimeria Pelegrina
Father Feuillee figures and describes three species of Alstr
140. Lupinus Luteus
The present, with many other species of Lupine, is very generally cultivated in flower gardens, for the sake of variety, being usually sown in the spring with other annuals, where the flower borders are spacious, they may with propriety be admitted, but as they take up much room, and as their blossoms are of short duration, they are not so desirable as many other plants.It is a native of Sicily, and flowers in June and July.We have often thought that the management of the kitchen garden, in point of succession of crops, might be advantageously transplanted to the flower garden, in the former, care is taken to have a regular succession of the annual delicacies of the table, while in the latter, a single sowing in the spring is thought to be all sufficient, hence the flower garden, which in August, September, and part of October, might be covered with a profusion of bloom, exhibits little more than the decayed stems of departed annuals.
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