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Dais Cotinifolia



Dais Cotinifolia

The Dais cotinifolia is an ornamental Green house Shrub, of the deciduous kind, and though it appears from the Hortus Kewensis to have been introduced by Mr. James Gordon, of Mile End, in 1776, is yet a great rarity with us, and only to be found in some of the first collections.Its scarcity, and consequent very high price, is attributed to the Nursery mens not having yet discovered the means of propagating it freely.Messrs. Grimwood and Co. of Kensington, have some very fine plants of it, which flower every year in the months of June and July, but as yet have produced no perfect seeds, which they may be expected to do when grown older, such having been known to ripen them in Holland.It is a native of the Cape, and appears to have been long possessed by the Dutch, as its Generic Character taken from D. V. Royen, is printed in the Genera Plantarum of Linn?us in 1764.There are only two known species, and they vary in the number of their Stamina, and divisions of the Corolla.


Coronilla Valentina
Hibiscus Syriacus
Pelargonium Tricolor
Cistus Incanus
Narcissus Major
Buchnera Viscosa
Plumeria Rubra
Hemerocallis Fulva
Hypericum Calycinum
Verbascum Myconi
Convolvulus Tricolor Small Convolvulus or Bindweed
Lychnis Coronata
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