Elbow Extensor Anconeus Stretch
Fitness Stretching
Elbow Extensor Anconeus Stretch
Arm, Wrist, and Hand Stretches:
Stand or sit upright while facing a table. Flex the elbows and rest the forearms on the table with the palms up. Lean forward, bringing the chest toward the table.
Affected Body Part:
Most-stretched muscle: Left anconeus.
Lesser-stretched muscle: Left triceps brachii.
For the greatest stretch, keep the forearms and elbows flat on the table.
Lower Trunk Lateral Flexor Stretch Arched Back
Standing Toe Flexor Stretch
Standing Toe Extensor Stretch
Wrist Radial Deviator and Extensor Stretch
Seated Toe Flexor Stretch
Supported One Leg Standing Hip Flexor and Knee Extensor Stretch
Hip External Rotator and Back Extensor Stretch
Seated Lower Trunk Extensor Lateral Flexor Stretch
Shoulder Extensor Adductor and Retractor Stretch
Shoulder Adductor Protractor and Elevator Stretch
Wrist Ulnar Deviator and Flexor Stretch
Shoulder Flexor Stretch
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