Whats different about this technique
Exam Tips
Whats different about this technique
A lot of students go wrong because their study has no direction.
The reason this technique is so effective is because it forces your teen to think specifically about whats going to come up in the exam. This will focus their study without them even trying.
Some students fail to think about their study with the exam in mind.
Unfortunately this means that when theyre in the exam, theyre not sure how to mould what theyve studied to answer exam questions. They dont understand how what theyve studies applies to the question in front of them.
This exam study technique will prevent your teen from falling victim to this situation. It will help your teen tailor their study to the types of questions that are likely to come up in the exam.
Where do you start
The trouble spot
Is your focus on the right thing
Procrastination Do not delay what can be done today
How To Sit Exams Like A Pro
Reading but not understanding
Why do we procrastinate
Why You Need To Know Your Teens Study Strengths And Weaknesses
The result
How this works for me
Discussing and revising with other students
If theyre really stuck you may need to see outside assistance
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