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Focus on the action

Essential Photography Tips


Focus on the action

If you really want to convey an impression of speed in your images, pan your lens in line with speeding cars, horses and runners and shoot with a fairly slow shutter speed 1/125 second or below to blur the background. Keeping the subject sharp in the frame while blurring the background gives a more effective impression of speed than static backgrounds and blurred subjects.


Replace your cards every couple of years
Assemble existent photographs in the chosen format and take stock of your product
Describe the photos
Travel without a tripod
Who will look at your portfolio
How many pictures and what should you include in your portfolio
Use zone focusing
Don t confine it to skies
Consider the quality
Look at the eyes not around the eyes look at the eyes
Embrace the grey day
What are some of the most common mistakes people make when putting together a portfolio
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