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Get a Second Opinion

Essential Photography Tips


Get a Second Opinion

Youve just spent a week designing your new portfolio and another week coding it. You launch your new site and announce it to the world only to receive a handful of negative feedback about the usability of your site. It turns out the site doesnt look too hot on 13 MacBooks because the resolution is nowhere near the resolution of your 27 iMac.
Oops Looks like you should have done some testing. Not only that, but a second opinion would have been great as well Getting someone knowledgeable in the industry to double check your new portfolio for you is never a bad idea. They can provide a second insight into areas you may have skimmed over, and point out any obvious bugs youre not seeing.
With saying that though, make sure you pick and choose your second opinion wisely. Try to stay away from family and friends, not only because their opinion may be biased, but also because they may not know enough about the industry to give you a proper opinion.


Polish the material gathered into an excellent presentation as opposed to one that is good enough
Dont believe the megapixel myth
Use a Large Viewing Area
You can t shoot speed head on
Use zone focusing
What are the benefits of a print portfolio vs a digital one
Banish long arm self portraits
Assemble existent photographs in the chosen format and take stock of your product
What makes an image worthy of being in a portfolio
Easy Steps On How To Create A Good Photography Portfolio
How to shoot moving water
Dont Forget to Update
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