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Find the sacred moments and dont be afraid to cry

Enjoy Christmas Day


Find the sacred moments and dont be afraid to cry

The joyous part we talk about, but when you sit down finally at the end of a long day in your rocker in front of the beautiful Christmas tree to rest for a moment and enjoy the beauty, and put on your Luciano Pavorotti video and listen to him sing that duet with his arm around that precious little boy who looks up at him as he hits the high notes, innocently and easily, as little boys do, and the tears well up as you remember such a little boy who now has whiskers on his cheeks and is 6 2 and has a little boy of his own, let them. It s an emotional time. That s what memories are made of.


Have a homemade Christmas
Bake bustle and bedeck
Its only commercialized if you let it be
Love yourself and love the season but focus on others
When it is Christmas eve lay out your stocking and dont go to bed too late
Find an outing that you can go to that is open on Christmas day
Send Christmas cards or Christmas emails out to as many people as you can
Play Christmas music
Go to church if you normally do this
Plan a great Christmas meal
Enjoy the food
Re evaluate your gift list
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