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The perfect gift

Enjoy Christmas Day


The perfect gift

Giving of yourself. It requires no money whatsoever. What s demanding about going out and buying her a sapphire ring? On the other hand, would you take the time, effort, and empathy to create an occasion designed for her enjoyment, which for any man, woman or child would be a time of your unconditional, undivided, unadulterated attention?


Play Christmas music
Spread good cheer
Love yourself and love the season but focus on others
Give your time
Have a swap evening with friends in the run up to Christmas
Its all about warm feelings
Have a homemade Christmas
Volunteer at a church or hospital or even a jail to help make other peoples Christmas special
As it is Christmas you could take this opportunity to stay up late
Bake bustle and bedeck
Find an outing that you can go to that is open on Christmas day
Go to church if you normally do this
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