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Early life

Dhirubhai Ambani


Early life

Dhirubhai Ambani was born on 28 December1932 at Kukaswada near Chorwad, Jamnagar (now the state of Gujarat, India) to Hirachand Gordhandhas Ambani and Jamnaben in a Modh family of modest means(Incidentally,The Gandhis and Ambanis came from the same gothra,the trading community of Modh baniyas). Hirachand Govardhandhas Ambani earned little as a village school teacher.But his wife,Jamanaben knew how to stretch every paisa in a long way.Hirachand and Jamanaben had two daughters Trilochanaben and Jasuben and three sons Ramnikbhai,Dhirubhai and Natubhai.Dhirubhai was extremely demanding,robust of health and difficult to placate from his very babyhood days.As a boy,he possessed immense gusto and enormous energy and was determined to do what he wanted to do in exactly the way he wanted it done.


Company Profile
Reliance Textiles
Majin Commercial Corporation
Man of Substance
Childhood Days
Obstacles Faced
Conjugal Relationship
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