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Colour Therapy Is Easier Than It Appears

Daily Health Tips


Colour Therapy Is Easier Than It Appears

A simple rule of colour therapy is this: Blue + Red = Purple The colour purple has potent healing effects. Yesterday we considered diagnoses of deficiency of the healing colours blue and red, but how do these deficiencies related to states of illness and health? Cool, soothing and sedative, blue alleviates pain, reducing bleeding and heals burns. It is beneficial in the treatment of dysentery, colic, asthma, respiratory disorders, high blood pressure and skin aberrations. In a study at the New England State Hospital in the United States, 25 members of staff with normal blood pressure were bathed in blue light for half an hour. It resulted in universal fall in blood pressure. The blood pressure rose when red light was applied. Red, of course, keeps blood pressure from falling too low. Symbolic of heat, fire and anger. It is a stimulating and energising colour. It stimulates arterial blood and brings warmth to cool extremities. Used as a general tonic, it is very valuable in the treatment of diseases like low blood pressure, rheumatism, paralysis, anaemia and advanced cases of tuberculosis. Here is a simple treatment to ensure you benefit from both colours: Purple or indigo combines the blood-warming red and the cooling antiseptic blue. It is an excellent stimulant without being an irritant. Today eat some familiar purple food, such as black carrot, berries, or purple grapes.


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