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Vitamins for Greying Hair

Daily Health Tips


Vitamins for Greying Hair

The vitamins considered useful in premature greying of hair are pantothenic acid, para-amino benzoic acid or PABA and inositol. The minimum daily requirement of these vitamins appears to be 10 mg of pantothenic acid, 100 gm of para-aminobenzoic acid and 2000 mg of inositol. To obtain satisfactory results, all three of these vitamins, belonging to B group, should be supplied at one time preferably in a form which gives all B vitamins, such as yeast, wheat germ and liver. The three anti-grey hair vitamins can be produced in the intestinal tract by bacteria. Thus drinking a litre of yoghurt daily with a tablespoon of yeast before each meal will be an excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of premature greying of hair. If one wishes to take tablets of calcium pantothenate and PABA, they should be taken in addition to the yeast and yoghurt and not as a substitute for them.


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