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IAF Air Man

Career Options After 10th


IAF Air Man

Young men can join as an Airman in either the Technical and NonTechnical trades of the Air force. The Airman cadre provides opportunities for men (only men)with matriculate or below, 10+2 Intermediate, graduates, Diploma holders and postgraduates in either of the three combatant groups i.e X, Y or Z of the technical and the nontechnical trades. Candidates short listed after the initial selection procedure, are allotted a suitable trade and go through a rigorous training regimen at one of the training institutes. Thereafter, they are inducted and posted as Airmen at any of the Air Force Stations.Each trade offers opportunities to grow and enhance your skills. Depending on your inclination and talent suitability you can move from one trade to the other and grow in ranking. One can even get commissioned as an Officer in the Air Force. C24 As an airman under the Technical Trades, the work involves the maintenance and testing of aircraft and flying related equipment. One will also be directly or indirectly involved in the maintenance and overhaul of ground equipment and armament. As an airman in the NonTechnical trades, the work involves assistance and support to the various functions from weather forecasting to maintenance of records and files of the Indian Air Force and all its branches.


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