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She A History of Adventure 100 million

Best Selling Books In History


She A History of Adventure 100 million

So influential that it has been cited by psychoanalysts Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung in their writings, She A History of Adventure is H. Rider Haggards most famous work. One of the finest examples of imaginative and imperialist literature, this novel tells the story of two mens trek to a lost kingdom deep in the African continent. The men come across a savage native tribe and their white queen Shewhomustbeobeyed. A bedrock of the Lost World subgenre, She purports many Victorian ideas of race and evolution.


The Bridges of Madison County 50 million
A Tale of Two Cities 200 million
The Hite Report 50 million
Anne of Green Gables 50 million
The Ginger Man 50 million
Think and Grow Rich 70 million
Dream of the Red Chamber 100 million
Ben Hur A Tale of the Christ 50 million
Lolita 50 million
Don Quixote 500 million
The Name of the Rose 50 million
And Then There Were None 100 million
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