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Anne of Green Gables 50 million

Best Selling Books In History


Anne of Green Gables 50 million

The most popular book written by a Canadian author, Anne of Green Gables follows the life of 11yearold Anne Shirley with her adopted parents who originally wanted a boy. Selling over 50 million copies, Lucy Maud Montgomerys book has become one of the bestselling books in history. Montgomery drew on the popular formula Ann orphan stories of her time to create Anne and used her own childhood on Prince Edward Island for the setting.


Dream of the Red Chamber 100 million
The Ginger Man 50 million
The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care 50 million
The Mark of Zorro 50 million
And Then There Were None 100 million
One Hundred Years of Solitude 50 million
The Bridges of Madison County 50 million
Lolita 50 million
Anne of Green Gables 50 million
The Eagle Has Landed 50 million
The Hite Report 50 million
The Little Prince 140 million
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