benefits of ladys finger

Benefits of ladys finger

31. Treatment of dandruff and lice
Okra is used ashome remedy for dandruff and lice. gut okra horizontally and boil in water, add lemon to this water and use this water for rinsing hair. When cut okra releases a sticky substance with thickening properties, often used in soups and stews. Okra is enriched with amino acids, with the likes of tryptophan, cystine and other sulfur amino acids.
32. High fiber content
The dietary fiber content of okra/ladys finger is known to be high and hence many health specialists recommend it for digestive benefits. The fibers aid the process of digestion in the body by facilitating proper bowel movement. Okra fruit is valued as vegetable, harvested while young and has mucus like juice that is used to thicken stews (gumbo). Okra is also known for its nutritional value and offers varieties of health benefits.
33. Good folate content
Folates present in okra reduce the neural tube defects in a new born baby. So it is highly recommended for women during pre conception period or pregnancy. Along with containing high amounts of fiber, okra also contains high amounts of vitamins A, C, and B6. Large amounts of calcium, zinc, riboflavin, folic acid, and iron are also present in this vegetable.
34. Good absorption of water
Facilitating proper absorption of water, Okra/ lady finger vegetable ensures free motion disposal by the body and hence prevents constipation. Women who are pregnant are urged to incorporate okra into their diets due to the high content of folic acid. Folic acid is essential for the healthy growth of a fetus especially during the fourth week through the twelfth week of pregnancy.
35. PreventsSun stroke
Okra helps prevent sun strokes. The other half is insoluble fiber which helps to keep the intestinal tract healthy, decreasing the risk of some forms of cancer, especially colo rectal cancer. Nearly 10% of the recommended levels of vitamin B6 and folic acid is also present in a half cup of cooked okra.Okra is a rich source of many nutrients, including fiber, vitamin B6 and folic acid. The guy got the following numbers from the University of Illinois.
36. Controls obesity
With regular usage of okra, in either raw or cooked form, you can avoid obesity to a great extent. Obesity is not necessarily due to consumption of fatty and calorific foods but also due to lack of nutrients. Okra is available in most grocery and vegetable stores. Buy okra fruits that are fresh, young, tender and firm. You will know it is fresh if it can easily be snapped in two. The best okra variety is the green color.
37. Dietary fibre for healthy skin
Okra is a rich source of dietary fiber. It is also keeps the digestion problem away. Proper digestion reflects through a healthy looking skin. This vegetable is great at being able to reabsorb water. By being able to absorb so much water, okra can trap excess cholesterol, excess bile, and certain toxins. By trapping these substances, it makes it easier to eliminate them from the body through the stool. Because okra absorbs so much water, eating this vegetable can prevent constipation, bloating, and gas.
38. Vitamin C for younger skin
Vitamin C found in okra actually helps maintain a younger looking skin. It aids in repairing body tissues. This in turn helps keep your skin younger and also makes it look more vibrant. Okra contains good amounts of vitamin K. vitamin K is a co factor for blood clotting enzymes and is required for strengthening of bones. The rich fiber and mucilaginous content in okra pods helps smooth peristalsis of digested food particles and relieve constipation condition.
39. Prevents skin pigmentation
The nutrients found in okra actually helps to prevent skin pigmentation. It is useful for rejuvenating your skin and repairing damages. Okra is better known by its common name as ladys finger or gumbo. This high fiber vegetable is known for its high soluble and insoluble fiber content. This vegetable is usually used in many recipes and is also a part of many nutritional diets, as it is highly beneficial. Let us quickly look at the some of the amazing benefits of okra.
40. Bouncy hair
If you are tired of your distressed hair, try using okra to get that bounce back. Boil okra with some water and the transparent mucilage that you get can be used to get your bouncy hair back. The sodium content of okra is quiet high. This is the reason why it is made into tablets, for replenishing sodium deficiency in the body. These tablets are also good for stomach ulcers.