benefits of ladys finger

Benefits of ladys finger

41. Hair conditioner
The same mucilage can be used as hair conditioner. Wash your hair and squeeze out excess water. Massage the watery mucilage through your hair and rinse thoroughly with water. The okra is low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. High in dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, thiamin, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, protein, riboflavin, niacin iron, zinc and copper.
42. Scalp moisturiser
Okra is an excellent moisturizer for your dry and itchy scalp. It leaves your hair feeling soft and isnt harmful like other cosmetics available in the market. It is great for people with unruly, curly and lifeless hair. Okra is completely nontoxic, non habit forming, has no adverse side effects, is full of nutrients, and is economically within reach of most individuals.
43. Shiny hair
Okra, when used as a hair rinse, gives great shine to your hair. You can give your regular conditioner a miss once in a while and take care of your hair the natural way. As you can see, okra health benefits are many. It may have an unusual name, and you may be tempted to pass it by for a more common vegetable, but give okra a try. It has many benefits and can be added easily to any meal.
44. How To Select Good Quality Okra
Although topical use of okra does a lot of good, we just cannot ignore how beneficial its intake is. Most of us are left clueless when questioned about how to select good Okra. Here is a quick guide to help you understand the selection process better.
45. Smaller pods
Always look for smaller pods because they are tender. They taste better than the larger ones which are tough and stringy too. Okra is the ideal vegetable for weight loss and is a storehouse of health benefits, provided it is cooked over low flame to retain its properties.
46. Bright colour
Look out for bright green coloured pods. You may also find varieties of burgundy or deep red. Those are also used for cooking purpose but green ones are widely used. If you have to store okra for later preparation, do not wash as it will become slimy, put in a paper bag and refrigerate
47. Unblemished pods
While selecting okra, try and look for unblemished ones. These are fresh and are not rotten from inside. Decoction of okra leaves, fruits and leaves are used to treat urinary problems, such as painful urination and other genitourinary problems including gonorrhea and syphilis.
48. Firmness
Check for the firmness of okra. While the smaller pods are generally tender, they should not be very soft. Okra juice used to treat skin itchiness and as skin moisturizer. Okra fruits are eaten to treat involuntary discharge of semen. Okra is a popular vegetable in many countries and is mainly eaten as a vegetable. However, it can be pickled or a soup made from it. The leaves are also cooked like other greens. They can be eaten raw as in salads.
49. How To Store Okra
Okra should be stored unwashed. You can store it in a paper bag or simply wrap it in a newspaper. If you dont have a paper bag, you can also store it in a perforated plastic bag. Make sure you keep it in the warmest part of your refrigerator. This would help you store it for up to 3 days at least. Okra tends to decay faster when kept really cold. So make sure you store it in warmer temperature in your refrigerator. Simply blanch the whole okra and freeze it if you want to store it longer.
50. Tips For Usage
Before cooking, thoroughly wash and rinse whole okra well with water. 2 After washing, pat it dry completely, using a dry towel. You can then store it in a zip lock bag and leave it overnight in the fridge before using it next day. 3 This will make it less slimy while cooking. 4 This will make okra freeze solid. 5 Add okra immediately to your dish after taking it out from the refrigerator. 6 You can use it as whole or chopped. 7 Always trim the ends before adding it to your dish. 8 Dont allow it to thaw to avoid it from sliming out.