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Ugli juice

Benefits of Ugli fruits


Ugli juice

A glass of ugli juice makes a refreshing, flavourful change to fresh squeezed orange or grapefruit. The juice is delicious warmed as a hot toddy with rum, and sweetened with honey or brown sugar, or used to make ice creams and souffls. Peel, slice away the pith and cut out the segments to use in a salad, as a cheesecake topping, or on its own as a dessert drizzled with sherry or Kirsch. The peel and juice together make marvelous marmalade.


Reduces the risk of constipation
How to prepare
Ugli Fruit Pictures
Helps Lower Blood Pressure
Ugli fruit flowers
Vitamin C
Ugli Duckling
Calcium storage
Healthy for Skin
Where is Ugli Fruit Cultivated
Ugli juice
Fights Cardiovascular Disease
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