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Benefits of Ugli fruits



Despite its thick skin, this odd looking fruit is easy to peel. Cut fruit holds an abundant amount of wonderful juice. Possibly addicting, sprinkle halves lightly with sugar and let sit for a minute or two. Scoop out fruit with a serrated spoon. Mix sections in fruit and vegetable salads. To enhance flavor, pair with avocado and, remarkably, sweet onions will bring out its best flavor. Bitter herbs and leaves also love to be near this fruit such as chicory and radicchio. Grapes, bananas and strawberries enjoy its company, too. Great in compotes or gelatin molds. Use grated rind as flavoring. Candy the peel for a sweet snack. Refrigerate only if fruit is not to be used within a couple of days. Refrigerated fruit keeps about three weeks.


Ugli Fruit Pictures
Where is Ugli Fruit Cultivated
Diseases such as cancer
Can be used in salads
Protects against kidney stone formation
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Reduces the risk of constipation
Low in calories
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