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Tamarillo has antioxidant activity

Benefits of Tamarillo fruits


Tamarillo has antioxidant activity

Various diseases due to free radicals and oxidative stress. Free radicals damage our body cells and thus their functioning. Phytonutrients in tamarillo offer excellent antioxidant activity and reduces risk of degenerative diseases like cataracts, cancer, heart diseases, Parkinsons diseases, Alzheimers, diabetes and others. Vitamin A,Vitamin C, Vitamin E and other phytonutrientshave been attributed for antioxidant property of tree tomatoes.


Tamarillos contain vitamins
Preparation and serving methods
For smooth skin
Acidic flavor
Importance of pruning
Tree tomato good for eyes
Tamarillo has antioxidant activity
Side effects of tamarillo
Tamarillo for healthy heart
Tamarillo is a shrub or small size tree
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