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Preparation and serving methods

Benefits of Tamarillo fruits


Preparation and serving methods

Raw ripe fruits can be eaten with peel. However, its skin is bitter in taste (largely because of cyanidin anthocyanin pigments), and many may want to avoid eating it. At home, wash in cold water and mop dry using soft cloth. Remove the stalk. In general, the fruit is cut in halfway, and its sweet, juicy flesh scooped out using a teaspoon. Its skin may be peeled and discarded in the similar fashion as in tomatoes. Rinse the fruit in hotwater for 23 minutes and cool it immediately by immersing in cold water. Then using a knife, make a small nick on the surface and gently peel with fingers.


Nutritional content
Tamarillo for healthy heart
This Dutch eggplant juice from Indonesia
Health Benefits of Tree
Vitamin A
Source of B complex vitamins
For smooth skin
Taste of Tamarillo
Side effects of tamarillo
Uses in Cooking
Checking for Ripeness in Tamarillo
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