Benefits of Plum
61. Cellular Health
Plums contains essential iron andcopperwhich assists in the formation of red blood cells and facilitates blood purification and healthy circulation. The copper in plums acts as an antioxidant and is essential for nerve health and aids in the formation of collagen. Consumption of copper rich plums also helps in the absorption of iron and prevents various diseases such as anemia and osteoarthritis.
62. Anxiety
Regular consumption of plums help in reducing anxiety.Studieshave provided supporting evidence regarding the anxiolytic effects and antioxidant properties of chlorogenic acids present in plums, which help in curing anxiety related behaviors and damage caused by oxidative stress.
63. Influenza
Plums are effective against the infection caused by influenza A virus.Studieshave shown that concentrated juice of Japanese plums contains lectin like molecules which help in inhibiting and treating the infections caused by human influenza A virus.
64. Pregnancy
Plums and plum products are beneficial during pregnancy, due to the abundance of numerous vitamins and minerals. These beneficial components are vital for eye sight, development of bones and tissues, and cellular health for the mother and the growing baby. The fiber content aids in preventing constipation and improves digestion. The inclusion of plums as a part of balanced diet helps in fighting various infections and maintains overall health. However, one should be careful regarding the choice of commercially available plum juices as they might contain high amounts of sugar.
65. Electrolyte Balance
Plums contain abundant quantities ofpotassium,which is an electrolyte and is required for the efficient functioning of cells and tissues of the body. Consuming potassium rich plums helps in regulating muscle contractions and regulating the acid base balance of the body.
66. Blood Clotting
Plums and prunes containvitamin K,which helps in normal clotting of the blood and promotes bone health. Deficiency of vitamin K in the body can result in excessive blood loss and other health concerns such as weak bones.
67. Culinary Usage
Plums are widely used in food items due to their sweet and tart flavor, as well as their pleasant aroma. They can be enjoyed fresh and can also be added to puddings, jams and jellies. Plum juice is used in the preparation of alcoholic beverages. Prune juice concentrate works deliciously well as a filling for candies and confectionery products, and as a binding agent for cereal bars. Plum chutney or dip is famous in Indian cuisine and is served along with stuffed Indian bread. It is also relished as a condiment along with the meat delicacies.
68. Plum Blossoms
Plumblossoms have been historically used in the treatment of loose teeth, mouth ulcers and sore gums. It is an effective ingredient in the manufacturing of mouthwashes and helps in curing bad breath and soothing sore throats.
69. Oxalates
Plumscontain oxalates that can accumulate and crystallize, resulting in health concerns such as kidney or gall bladder complications. People who are already suffering from such conditions should avoid the usage of plums.
70. Sulfites
Dried plumsor prunes are treated with sulfites to prevent them from oxidation of phenols in the prunes which can darken the fruit and turn it brown. People who have sensitivity towards sulfites should be careful regarding their intake of prunes, as they might trigger allergic reactions, including severe anaphylactic attacks.
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