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Nutritional Profile

Benefits of Peas


Nutritional Profile

While not always recognized as a food unique in phytonutrients, green peas are actually an outstanding phytonutrient source. Flavanols (including catechin and epicatechin), phenolic acids (including caffeic and ferulic acid), and carotenoids (including alpha and betacarotene) are among the phytonutrients provided by green peas. Even more unique to this food are its saponins, pisumsaponins I and II and pisomosides A and B. The polyphenol coumestrol is also provided in substantial amounts by this phytonutrientrich food.


Good for your heart
Green Peas and Pesticide Residues
Improves Digestion
Weight management
Benefits of Vitamin C
Peas for Glowing Skin
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The Healthiest Way of Cooking
How to Store
Support for Blood Sugar Regulation
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