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Sore throat

Benefits of Lime


Sore throat

Mix one part lemon juice with one part water. Gargle frequently and feel its soothing effect on the throat. You may also add in a pinch of sea salt for added effect. In addition to turning plain water into a caloriefree, tasty thirstquencher, you can squeeze or pour it over salads, freshly grilled fish or vegetables, shellfish and other foods in place of highcalorie, highfat flavor enhancers. In addition to calories and fat, other flavor enhancers may be high in sodium, exacerbating high blood pressure.


How to Make Lime Juice
Limes are anti carcinogenic
Respiratory Disorders
Burning soles or feet
Lemon and Lime Peels and Oxalates
Limes have a very high citric acid content
Limes and Constipation
Limes and Eye Care
Other Benefits
Sore throat
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