benefits of lime

Benefits of Lime

61. Limes containantioxidants
Limes containantioxidants, including flavonol glycosidescontaining kaempferol, which research has shown stops cell division in several cancers. Scientists noted that in several West African villages where cholera epidemics had occurred, lime juice included in the diet protected against cholera, a deadly bacteriaactivated disease.
62. Damaging blood vessels and allowingcholesterol
Free radicals can mingle with healthy cells of the body, damaging blood vessels and allowingcholesterolto build up against membranes, which can cause inflammation. Thats why vitamin C can be used as a remedy for reducing the painful symptoms of arthritis and the prevention of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), not to mention colds and flu. Because of all these benefits, its not surprising that foods containing significant amounts of vitamin C, like limes, can actually contribute to lowered incidences of other problems, such as strokes, diabetic heart disease, and cancer.
63. Studies Done on Limes
Sun, salt, and lime juice are the ingredients in which scientists say can provide clean, inexpensive water in areas of the world where its not available. While the solar disinfection of drinking water (SODIS) is already used by six hours of sunlightexposed water in (preferably) glass containers, some parts of the world have only dirty water available, and no filter, which prevents sun rays from exacting the purification process. But tiny amounts of salt added to the water adheres to and weighs down dirt particles, and lime juice added in further testing, showed more rapid disinfecting ability due to large quantities of psoralen compounds in the limes that bond with DNA strands in the presence of sunlight, preventing DNA replication. This method reducedE. colicontamination by about a million times in just 30 minutes; SODIS by itself had only about a quarter of this effectiveness.
64. Limes Fun Facts
You can grow your own limes with no thorns and no seeds, if you plant the Persian variety. They tolerate USDA hardiness zones 8 through 1, or you can plant them indoors in large pots with drain holes. But remember, they can reach heights of 12 feet or more. They like lots of light, but only indirect or the leaves may wilt. In cooler regions, place them under grow lights and water them generously at first, then just a few times a week. Apply fertilizer and micronutrients once a year.
65. Lime juice is a sour
Lime juice is a sour, tart liquid that is obtained from the fruit of the Citrus aurantifolia, a shrubby citrus tree that is native to Asia. A small, green fruit related to the lemon, lime fruit is pale green with a juicy pulp. Widely used for both culinary and nonculinary purposes, it is among the most popular citrus juices available on the market today. Once you are aware of the health benefits that lime juice offers, you may want to find a way to get it in your diet.
66. Antibiotic Properties
Limes contain unique active compounds called flavonol glycosides, which not only offer anticancer and antioxidant benefits, but also have antibiotic properties. The antibiotic properties of these compounds have been shown to protect against the contraction of cholera, a disease caused a bacteria called Vibrio cholera. Research conducted in West Africa, published in Tropical Medicine and International Health, shows that drinking lime juice with the main meal protects participants against this disease.
67. Anticarcinogenic
Lime juice has potent anticarcinogenic properties. J. Robert Hatherill Ph.D., a research scientist, writes that limes and other citrus fruit contain a variety of cancerfighting compounds called flavonoids. Flavonoids are a family of naturallyoccurring compounds found in many fruit and vegetables. In his book
68. Detoxification
Limes contain eight different kinds liminoids, which are compounds that promote the activity of an enzyme in the liver called glutathioneStransferase or GST, according to Hatherill. This liver enzyme detoxifies a variety of cancercausing chemicals. In effect, it deactivates these harmful chemicals, turning them into harmless chemicals that are then removed from the body in your urine.
69. Lime water
The little green fruit and its sweet juices promote health benefits such as; Weight loss, healthier Eyes, helps fight urinary disorders, promotes healthier skin, a healthier digestion track, and helps with the treatment of scurvy (For those of you who dont know what scurvy is, it is a disease resulting in the deficiency of VitaminC) along with quite a few other health benefits, this little green fruit, while being tasty is also one of the best fruits to ingest. Lime is commonly consumed in various refreshing drinks, it can also be found in various things such as; sorbets, jellies, jams, and its oils are used in a large assortment of soft drinks for its flavor and its digestive benefits, as well as cosmetics for its beneficial topical properties and health properties for the human body!
70. Limes have a very high citric acid content
Limes have a very high citric acid content, and citric acid is a very strong fat burner (Think grapefruit, only limes taste better and have 2 times the citric acid content!). Taking the steps to use lime for weight loss is as simple as adding it to your daily water intake. (I personally take bottles of water to work every day, and inside my desk drawer is a bottle of unsweetened Keylime juice.)Adding lime juice to just two or three glasses of water throughout your day, can help boost your weight loss if you are on a diet. Lime juice in cold water is a great and refreshing drink, which not only promotes weight loss but cools you down significantly more so than a regular bottle of water would! While being a fat burner, lime juice is also an excellent antioxidant.