Benefits of Lime
51. Asthma
Take a tablespoon of lemon juice at least one hour before each meal to relieve asthma. Vitamin C is an antioxidant nutrient. It supports immune system function and helps protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals. According to the National Cancer Institute, free radicals are charged atoms or groups of atoms with an odd number of electrons, which can be formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules. Once formed, they can react with important components within cells, such as DNA and cell membranes, impairing their function.
52. Burning soles or feet
Rub a sliced lemon over the burning sole/foot/heel to relieve from pain and for toxin elimination through the pores of the feet. Lime is commonly consumed in various refreshing drinks, it can also be found in various things such as; sorbets, jellies, jams, and its oils are used in a large assortment of soft drinks for its flavor and its digestive benefits, as well as cosmetics for its beneficial topical properties and health properties for the human body!
53. Anti viral
The potent antiviral properties in lime/lemon can killcholera bacilliwithin a very short period of time. Drink one part juice and one part water regularly, especially during an epidemic. Limes grown or purchased in the States are usually sour. Sweet varieties with less citric acid are more common in Asian regions. Make sure when picking or purchasing that theyre bright green and completely ripe, as those have the most antioxidant benefits. Keep them out of the sun or theyll turn yellow and lose their bright flavor.
54. Cold
The antiviral properties in lime/lemon fight infections and halt the progress of a cold. Take the juice of two lemons in half a liter of hot water and add raw honey to taste. Sip it slowly before bedtime. Free radicals can mingle with healthy cells of the body, damaging blood vessels and allowing cholesterol to build up against membranes, which can cause inflammation. Thats why vitamin C can be used as a remedy for reducing the painful symptoms of arthritis and the prevention of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), not to mention colds and flu. Because of all these benefits, its not surprising that foods containing significant amounts of vitamin C, like limes, can actually contribute to lowered incidences of other problems, such as strokes, diabetic heart disease, and cancer.
55. Feet tired
After a long day on your feet, soak your feet in very warm water containing lime/lemon juice to enjoy the cooling, astringent feeling. This will also help promote deep sleep due to the relaxing action on the foot nerves. Limes made their way to the New World with Columbus on his second voyage in 1493, and were subsequently planted in many Caribbean countries whose hot, humid climates supported the cultivation of this fruit.
56. Gums Swollen
Drink a glass of diluted fresh lime juice with a pinch of sea salt to relieve the pain of swollen gums. Use the albedo (the white matter under the peel) from the squeezed lime and rub on the gums. The vitaminC content in limes cures scurvy, and its troopers, the flavonoids, inhibit microbial growth and the potassium combined with the flavonoids help heal ulcers and wounds.
57. Heartburn
Add two teaspoon of concentrated lime/lemon juice into a glass of warm water and drink to relieve heartburn. Limes and its juices are also known to help eliminate bruises, cure dandruff, and also clean your skin due to its acidic contents, breaking down the old and dead skin cells.
58. Inflammatory disorders
Even though lime/lemon juice are sour and taste acidic, it is actually very alkalinizing in the body and is highly effective in the treatment of inflammatory disorders like rheumatism, arthritis, sciatica, etc. It also prevents the deposit of uric acid in the tissues, thus reducing the risks of gout.
59. Dry skin
Rub the peel of a lemon on dry or scaly skin to restore softness and add moisture to the skin. lime juice is acidic, you can also use it to tenderize lean cuts of beef, or as a dietfriendly, heartfriendly marinade ingredient. limes have pesticide residues on their skin, so wash them thoroughly before using.
60. Sore throat
Mix one part lemon juice with one part water. Gargle frequently and feel its soothing effect on the throat. You may also add in a pinch of sea salt for added effect. In addition to turning plain water into a caloriefree, tasty thirstquencher, you can squeeze or pour it over salads, freshly grilled fish or vegetables, shellfish and other foods in place of highcalorie, highfat flavor enhancers. In addition to calories and fat, other flavor enhancers may be high in sodium, exacerbating high blood pressure.
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