benefits of lime

Benefits of Lime

21. Cholera
Although it has disappeared in many parts of the world, cholera is still a dangerous and deadly disease in some places on the planet, and luckily, limes and other citrus fruits can help defend against this often fatal condition. The lime juice, when added to potentially infected water, proved to be a very effective disinfectant, and even when it was consumed regularly after someone had been exposed to cholerainfected water, fatalities were reduced.Numerous studies were doneon this application of lime juice, particularly following the horrible outbreak of cholera in GuineaBissau in 1994.
22. Weight Loss
A glass of warm water with a full limes worth of juice in it is an excellent weight reducer as well as a brilliant refresher and antioxidant drink. The citric acid present in lime is an excellent fat burner. You can consume two glasses a day and see legitimate and remarkable results within a week.
23. Urinary Disorders
The high potassium content of limes is very effective in removal of the toxic substances and the precipitates which get deposited in kidneys and the urinary bladder. The disinfectant properties of limes also help cure infections in the urinary system. Furthermore, it stops prostrate growth (very common in males above 40) and clears blockage of urine that can come from calcium deposits in the urinary tract.
24. Other Benefits
It is a good appetizer and digestive. It can help to cure rheumatism, prostate and colon cancer, cholera, arteriosclerosis, fatigue and even high fevers (contrary to popular belief). The best part of it is that it has no negative side effects! The first fruit that comes to mind in terms of medicinal uses is the reliable lime. This sour citrus fruit can do what many advanced medicines cannot. Lime, bearing the scientific name Citrus Aurantifolia, has been used for ages in the treatment of various ailments.
25. Limes are good for womens health
These citrus gems contain calcium and folate, two nutrients that are important for postmenopausal women and women of childbearing age. One fresh lime contains 22 milligrams of calcium and over five micrograms of folate. Not bad for a tiny little fruit! There are many varieties of lime found all over the world, particularly in the tropical and the Mediterranean climates.
26. Lime peels can combat aging skin
The peels of citrus fruits contain an inhibitor of melanin production. With age and UV ray exposure, melanin, which gives skin its pigment, can build up and deposit itself as spots on your skin. Treating skin to a mask with bits of lime peel in itcould reduce this hyperpigmentation.
27. Limes are anti carcinogenic
limes have been shown to prevent cancers of the colon, stomach and blood. Though the exact mechanism is unknown, scientists have observed that antioxidant limonoids also cause cancer cell death. Lime limonoids also stay active longer in your bloodstream, mopping more free radicals than green tea or dark chocolate.
28. Lime juice can helpprevent formation of kidney stones
lime juice contains more citric acid than orange or grapefruit juice. Citric acid is a natural inhibitor of kidney stones made of crystallized calcium. Go for fresh lime juice squeezed into water, as opposed to commercial limeades, for maximal benefits. limes are oval or round in shape having a diameter of one to two inches with green flesh and skin. They can be either sour or sweet depending on the variety; however, sweet limes are not readily available in the United States. Sour limes contain citric acid giving them an acidic and tart taste, while sweet limes lack citric acid and are sweeter in flavor.
29. Limes may lower cholesterol
The primary flavonoid found in the limes, known as hesperidin, has been shown tolower cholesteroland triglyceride levels in animals fed a highcholesterol diet. Get the most hesperidin out of heartsmart limes by eating as much of the white pith as possible. The immune systems main goal is to protect you from illness, so a little extra vitamin C may be useful in conditions like colds, flus, and recurrent ear infections.
30. Phytonutrients with Antioxidant and Antibiotic Effects
lemons and limes contain unique flavonoid compounds that have antioxidant and anticancer properties. Of special interest in limes have been flavonoids calledflavonol glycosides, including manykaempferolrelated molecules. While these flavonoids have been shown to stop cell division in many cancer cell lines, they are perhaps most interesting for their antibiotic effects. In several villages in West Africa where cholera epidemics had occurred, the inclusion of lime juice during the main meal of the day was determined to have been protective against the contraction of cholera. (Cholera is a disease triggered by activity of the bacteria calledVibrio cholera). Researchers quickly began to experiment with the addition of lime juice to the sauce eaten with rice, and in this role, lime juice was also found to have a strong protective effect against cholera.