Benefits of Lime
41. Wrinkles and Black UnderEyes
Make a mixture of lime juice with olive oil and almond oil. Gently massage the face with the mixture to get rid of wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes. A head massage with the same mixture helps in treating most scalp infections. Limes and its juices are also known to help eliminate bruises, cure dandruff, and also clean your skin due to its acidic contents, breaking down the old and dead skin cells.
42. Dandruff
If you are tired of using antidandruff shampoos, its time to switch to a simple and costeffective home remedies to curb dandruff. Add some lime juice in water and use it as a final rinse when you wash the hair. The acid in lime juice will help get rid of dandruff. For more aggressive dandruff, cut lime into pieces and boil them with dill seeds. Crush when cooled down and massage into the scalp. Wash off after 30 minutes.
43. Hair Conditioner
Lime juice also proves to be an efficient hair conditioner and removes excess oils that are secreted by the scalp. The vitaminC content in limes cures scurvy, and its troopers, the flavonoids, inhibit microbial growth and the potassium combined with the flavonoids help heal ulcers and wounds.
44. Hair Loss
A mixture of gooseberry oil, coconut oil and lime juice can help reducehair falland strengthen the hair roots. Simply massage the mixture on the scalp and leave it overnight. Regular application of the mixture is sure to improvehair growthover time. A natural laxative can be conjured up with lots of lime juice and salt, this is an all natural and safe way to clean your system!
45. Kidney Stones
Lime contains more citric acid than grapefruit or oranges and citric acid is considered as a natural inhibitor of kidney stones and a mixture of lime juice with water can help prevent formation of kidney stones. Limes and lemons can be stored in the fridge for up to two weeks. Although they can actually keep longer, it will soon lose its flavor after too long.
46. Heart Health
Due to its herperidin properties, lime helps in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. you are digesting the lime even before you eat it, due to the fact that your mouth is already filling up with digestive salivas. (So in a sense, the more you drool, the faster you break down food!) After youve stuffed yourself, your stomach acids and the acidic content of the lime finishes the job, but because of the high acidic content, your stomach doesnt have to work as hard to break down the food!
47. Improve liver System
It helps preventing blood cancer, abdomen issues, digestive problems and colon related problems. Other lime benefits include stimulation of liver, healthy maintenance of heart due to its magnesium content, prevention of rickets and potassium content that helps fight anxiety and depression. Limes are rich in folate and calcium which are excellent for women during menopause.
48. How to Make Lime Juice
Due to its nutritional value, lime is considered highly versatile and beneficial for overall health of the skin, hair and body. Including this wonder fruit in your daily beauty regime and diet is sure to give excellent results. Lime and lemon add refreshing zest to almost any drink which cleanse and enhance immune properties of your already healthy glass of juice.
49. Bitamin B6
The nutritional benefits of limes do not differ very much from those of lemons. They are both excellent sources of vitamin C, B6, potassium, folate, flavonoids and the outstanding phytochemical, limonene. In addition to turning plain water into a caloriefree, tasty thirstquencher, you can squeeze or pour it over salads, freshly grilled fish or vegetables, shellfish and other foods in place of highcalorie, highfat flavor enhancers. In addition to calories and fat, other flavor enhancers may be high in sodium, exacerbating high blood pressure.
50. Health Benefits
Limes and lemons contain outstanding phytochemicals that are high in antioxidant and anticancer properties. They are potent detoxifiers with antibiotic effect that is protective against bacterial poisoning. lime juice is acidic, you can also use it to tenderize lean cuts of beef, or as a dietfriendly, heartfriendly marinade ingredient.
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