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Benefits of Lime



The antiviral properties in lime/lemon fight infections and halt the progress of a cold. Take the juice of two lemons in half a liter of hot water and add raw honey to taste. Sip it slowly before bedtime. Free radicals can mingle with healthy cells of the body, damaging blood vessels and allowing cholesterol to build up against membranes, which can cause inflammation. Thats why vitamin C can be used as a remedy for reducing the painful symptoms of arthritis and the prevention of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), not to mention colds and flu. Because of all these benefits, its not surprising that foods containing significant amounts of vitamin C, like limes, can actually contribute to lowered incidences of other problems, such as strokes, diabetic heart disease, and cancer.


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Fights Cancer
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Boost Your Vitamin C Intake
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