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Grilled Romaine with Simple Blue Cheese Dressing

Benefits of Iceberg lettuce


Grilled Romaine with Simple Blue Cheese Dressing

This deadeasy dish is nothing short of an oilbrushed, saltsprinkled epiphany. Prepare a grill for medium heat. Remove several layers of outer leaves from a head of romaine and reserve for another use, such as lettuce soup. Youll be left with a heartplus. Halve the remaining lettuce lengthwise, leaving the core in place to hold the leaves of each half together. Rub with some olive oil and sprinkle with salt, then grill until lightly charred on each side, about one minute per side.


Summertime Dishes
Anti anemic
Supplies Nutrition
Iceberg Lettuce nutritional benefits
The Wedge
Aids Better Sleep
Great source of fiber
Revitalizes Skin
Whole Life Food
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