Benefits of Iceberg lettuce
61. Iceberg crisphead
Greener leaves on the outside and whiter on the inside. This type is most popular for its crisp texture, juicy and mild taste. A good source of choline. iceberg lettuce is high in dietary fiber, and contains traces of omega fatty acids, which is important for allover health. Folate is another benefit that iceberg lettuce provides, which helps fight heart disease.
62. Romaine lettuce
As deep green and long leaves. It has a crisp texture and a deeper taste than the other varieties. A good source of vitamins A, C, B1 and B2, and folate. Lettuce should be kept moist by wrapping it in a slightly damp paper towel or zip top bag. This enables the lettuce to absorb excess water without dehydrating the leaves. The crisper section of the refrigerator is the best spot for storing lettuce due to controlled and consistent humidity.
63. Butterhead
This type of lettuce has large leaves that are arranged
64. Loose leaf
As the name implies, this variety has loose leaves that are broad and curly. It has a delicate taste and slightly crispy texture. Bunches of lettuce should be checked for insects and the leaves having roots should be placed in a glass of water with a bag over the leaves and stored in the refrigerator. The most difficult part about storing lettuce is maintenance of moisture level. Too much moisture suffocates the lettuce leaves due to condensation, causing the lettuce to spoil faster.
65. Anti anemic
Lettuce contains a relatively high amount of chlorophyll and iron, which are essential for the synthesis of hemoglobin in blood red cells. You can try using an entire head of lettuce in a smoothie. It is advisable to add the fruits and blend it first and then add lettuce leaves into the smoothie. You can make a smoothie using fruits like bananas, strawberries or mangoes in combination with an entire head of romaine lettuce.
66. Anti oxidant
Lettuce is rich in antioxidants, especially betacarotene, vitamin C and vitamin E. These substances help cleanse the body from toxins, prevent the damage caused by freeradicals, prevent premature aging and lower the risk of chronic diseases and cancer.
67. Bone health
There is evidence that lettuce has a protective effect on bone health, due to its high content in vitamin K which is required for the synthesis of osteocalcin, a bone protein which helps strengthen bone tissue. This bone protective action is particularly effective in preventing osteoporosisrelated fractures in postmenopausal women and older adults. Lettuce is a good source of calcium and phosphorous, as well, which play a key role in bone structure and health.
68. Cough
Lettuce juice contains anticough agents, which can help relieve irritable cough, as well as the symptoms of asthma and bronchitis. Lettuce can be easily used along with other vegetables in burgers, sandwiches and wraps.
69. Hydration
Lettuce juice is an excellent source of hydration at the cellular level. They are refreshing, thirstquenching and help rehydrates our cells and releasing toxins and harmful fats from our congested cells. Dark green veggies are great sources of vitamin C, folate, betacarotene, iron, calcium, iron and dietary fiber. Therefore, try to look for dark colored leaves. Lettuce is delicious as long as it is fresh. While shopping for lettuce, you should avoid bunches that are limp, wilting, brownish or have rust, spots or holes on them.
70. Purifying
The purifying effect of lettuce is the result of the combined actions of antioxidants (which help neutralize harmful substances accumulate in the body), potassium (which promotes diuresis, thereby helping eliminate toxins from the body) and fiber (which helps cleanse the colon).
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