Benefits of Iceberg lettuce
31. Fights Various Skin Problems
The compresses of this vegetable is effective against several skin problems. Boil two salads of the lettuce leaf in 1 litre of water for about 20 minutes. The resulting liquid can be used as a compress on the face and other body parts. This compress can help in curing acne and psoriasis by cleaning the skin. To be effective, compresses should be at room temperature and kept for 10 minutes.
32. Toning
Compresses also help in toning your facial skin and can be used as masks, particularly for dry skin. Iceberg Lettuce nutritional benefits also helps in protecting the body from indigestive agents. It breaks down heavy protein and carbohydrates and gives proper functioning stomach. So it regulates bowel movements for which constipation and acid reflux can be cured.
33. Aids Better Sleep
The infusion made from lettuce salad has anti spastic effect and acts as a diuretic and sedative. Drinking this infusion induces a good night sleep yielding the resultant benefits to the skin. It also helps in giving you a sound sleep. It relaxes eyes and body also. That is why it can cure Insomnia which is a sleeping disorder.
34. Lettuce Hair Benefits
Just like the rest of the body, your hair also needs adequate supply of nutrients, vitamins and minerals for their growth and health. Being highly nutritious, lettuce offers a range of benefits for your hair. Iceberg Lettuces nutrition facts also includes lot of vitamin contents like vitamin A as 9 percent, vitamin C as 4 percent, and other additional vitamins as 2 percent of your daily requirement basis. Other vitamin contents include thiamine and vitamin B6.
35. Stimulates Hair Growth
Drinking lettuce juice on a regular basis stimulates hair growth by furnishing food to the nerves and roots of hair. the nutritional benefits of iceberg lettuce are more beneficial for women as it also contains folate which is helpful during pregnancy. It reduces risk of neural tube effects of the pregnant women. Its vitamin A content also protects eye.
36. Provides Nutrition
The primary cause of hair loss is consumption of food in inorganic form such as cereals and devitalized food as the hair does not receive proper nourishment. Consumption of lettuce combats this problem as it provides proper nourishment in the form of essential vitamins and nutrients.
37. Proteins
Proteins are the building blocks of a developing body. They are needed for muscle development and many important metabolic reactions in the body. Lettuce contains a good 20 per cent of proteins in its total quantity.
38. Less sugar
Not only artificial flavors but also artificial sugars harm the body, if eaten in excess. People who wish to consume lettuce in good amounts need not bother about this as it has less sugar content. Iceberg lettuce is preferred over most other types of lettuce due to its moist crispiness. While its true that most darker greens are richer in nutrients, iceberg lettuce is still a very healthy choice. Low in saturated fat and cholesterol (practically none) its a good source of iron, vitamin B6, K, A, and C.
39. Iron
Iron is important for the blood hemoglobin amount and also for many other heartrelated benefits. Iron content can be very wellbalanced with lettuce leaves as they provide almost four times the iron in the romaine variety than in the iceberg one.
40. Vitamin C benefits
Vitamin C in lettuce is a rich source of antioxidants that prevent free radical formation and curb unwanted reactions that cause diseases and even cancers. iceberg lettuce is lower in vitamin C, A, iron, potassium, and calcium than darker greens. Still, its not as if iceberg lettuce has no nutritional value at all.
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