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Benefits Of Guava For Hair

Benefits of Guava


Benefits Of Guava For Hair

Guava is a powerhouse of nutrients including Vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, copper, manganese, fibre, flavonoids and other phytochemicals. Thus, it is beneficial for healthy hair growth and maintenance. Guavas contain high amounts of pectin that helps in improving your appetite and digestion. This fruit is also an excellent source of fiber that adds bulk to your stool and helps in regularizing your bowel movements, thereby preventing digestive problems like constipation. The seeds of guava have laxative effect that is also helpful in treating constipation.


High blood pressure
Antitumor property
Has anti ageing properties for your skin
Preparation and serving methods
Treatment of Skin Problems
Tips for Usage Cooking and Eating
Increase Blood production
Regulation of blood pressure levels
Guavas juice health benefits
Helps you relax
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