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Natural Skin Toner

Benefits of Guava


Natural Skin Toner

The high concentration of vitamins, minerals and nutrients in guava helps in keeping your skin toned, fresh and wrinkle free. Guava is effective in enhancing skin texture, tightening the loosened skin and reviving the lost elasticity of the skin. The astringent qualities of guavas keep your skin free from blemishes, acne, wrinkles and pimples. Washing your face with the decoction of immature guava fruit and its leaves beautifies your skin.


Medicinal benefits of guavas
Treatment of Blackheads and Skin Itchiness
Constipation home remedy through Guava
Thyroid Health
Folate Content
Guava for diarrhea and dysentery
Benefits Of Guava For Hair
High blood pressure
Helps your body use key vitamins
Improves Complexion
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