benefits of gooseberry

Benefits of Gooseberry

51. Soothes Inflammation
The anti inflammatory properties in amla juice help in reducing the swelling in the joints caused by arthritis. By reducing inflammation, it also protects and eases the tissues of the digestive tract. A teaspoon of powdered dried Amla mixed with 2 teaspoons of jiggery taken twice every day for a month helps treat rheumatism.
52. Oral Health
Daily intake of amla juice wards off bad breath and strengthens teeth. Gargling with a mixture of water and amla juice can provide relief from painful mouth ulcers. The Indian gooseberry tree is a small, deciduous tree that has feathery branches. The berries are fleshy and pale green, and have 6 dimly marked lobes. The flowers appear in dense clusters under the leaves, and hence the fruits grow in the same manner. The tree is indigenous to India.
53. Treatment of Insomnia
Amla juice is effective in curing insomnia. All you need to do is take fresh amla juice with a mixture of coarse powder of nutmeg; and experience a sound and peaceful sleep. A cup of gooseberries has around 10% of the required amount of potassium, which helps regulate heartbeats, protects you against hypertension, and helps to maintain water balance in tissues and cells of the body. Bioflavanoids are also found in gooseberries and have good antioxidant properties and that help to uphold the permeability of capillaries.
54. Bone Health
Regular consumption of amla juice lowers the osteoclasts, the cells that are responsible for breaking down the bones. The nutritional benefits of gooseberry are many as it is an excellent source of vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B complex, and vitamin C and minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, and magnesium. A cup of gooseberries has a calorific count of 66. Additionally, gooseberries contain no fat or cholesterol and have very low levels of sodium, which is very good for health.
55. Other Benefits
Amla juice comprises of many minerals and vitamins such as carotene, phosphorus, calcium, iron and vitamin B complex; and hence, is a powerful antioxidant. It protects against oxidative stress by eliminating free radicals. It fortifies our liver, strengthens your lung, nourishes your brain, improves muscle tone, improves your urinary system and balances stomach acids. In fact, according to Ayurveda, regular consumption of amla juice promotes longevity.
56. Health Benefits of Amla
Amla is rich in vitamin C. A glass of amla juice contains twenty times more vitamin C than a glass of fresh orange juice. So, you can easily see why amla is so revered in Ayurveda. It is the richest source of vitamin C.The fruit is also rich in proteins and fibers. It contains minerals such as iron, calcium, and phosphorus besides vitamins A and B.
57. How to use amla to enjoy its many benefits
The best way to use amla is to consume its fresh juice. However, since this can be bitter and sour, most people may not be able to handle it.A wonderful quality of amla is that heat or drying does not reduce its nutritional properties. This is why pieces of fresh amla can be added to your cooked vegetables.
58. Amla pickles and chutneys
Amla pickles and chutneys is another wonderful way to include this wonderful fruit in your regular diet. Other popular ways to consume this wonderful fruit is in the form of candies, sweets or murabba. Since these are sweet in taste, many people prefer consuming this fruit in these forms.
59. Amla in your regular diet and beauty routine
Now that you know about the many benefits of amla for health, hair and skin, make sure to include it in your daily routine. It s healthy and nutritious content will not only be beneficial for your health but also for the well being and long life of your children.
60. Dried Gooseberry Benefits
Research shows that gooseberries have important properties, including anticancer, antioxidant, immunomodulating, cholesterol balancing, and liver protective properties. Although these benefits are impressive, its the gooseberries potential for preventing heart disease that is getting the most attention.